National anthem of Bulgaria

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Мила родино
transcription Mila Rodino
Title in German Dear home
country BulgariaBulgaria Bulgaria
Usage period 1964 until today
text Tsvetan Radoslavov
melody Tsvetan Radoslavov
Audio files

Mila Rodino (in German "Dear Home" ) is the national anthem of the Republic of Bulgaria . Text and composition are by Tsvetan Radoslawow (Цветан Радославов, English / international transcription: Tsvetan Radoslavov) from the time of the Serbian-Bulgarian War in 1885 . The work was voted the national anthem in 1964 .

Original by Zwetan Radoslawow (1885)

Мила родино Mila Rodino Dear home

1. куплет
Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей.
Слънце Тракия огрява
над Пирина пламеней. Родино!

Мила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край.

2. куплет
Паднаха борци безчет,
за народа наш, любим.
Майко, дай ни мъжка сила,
пътя им да продължим. Родино!

1. Coupling
Gorda Stara planina,
do nej Dunawa sinej,
slanze Trakija ogrjawa,
nad Pirina plamenej. Rodino!

Mila Rodino,
ti si semen raj,
twojta chubost, twojta prelest,
ach, te njamat kraj.

2. Coupling
Padnacha borzi bestchet,
za naroda nasch ljubim.
Majko, dai ni maschka sila
patija im da prodalschim. Rodino!

1st stanza
Proud "old mountains" (Bulgarian for the Balkan Mountains ),
where the Danube stretches out bluish next to you.
The sun gilds Thrace ,
and the sky reddens over the Pirin . Homeland!

Dear home,
you are paradise on earth,
your beauty, your grace,
oh, they are infinite.

2. Verse
Countless fighters have fallen
for our beloved people.
Mother, give us male strength to
continue on our way. Homeland!

Anthem (since 1964)

Official variant

The second verse is not sung on official occasions.

Мила родино Mila Rodino Dear home

1. куплет
Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей,
слънце Тракия огрява,
над Пирина пламеней. Родино!

Мила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край.

2. куплет
Паднаха борци безчет
за народа наш любим.
Майко, дай ни мъжка сила
пътя им да продължим.

1. Coupling
Gorda Stara planina,
do nej Dunawa sinej,
slanze Trakija ogrjawa,
nad Pirina plamenej. Rodino

Mila Rodino,
ti si semen raj,
twojta chubost, twojta prelest,
ach, te njamat kraj.

2. Coupling
Padnacha borzi bestschet
sa naroda nasch ljubim.
Majko, dai ni maschka sila
patja in da prodalschim.

1st verse
Proud "old mountains" (Bulgarian for Balkans),
where the Danube stretches out bluish next to you,
the sun illuminates Thrace,
and the sky reddens over the Pirin . Homeland.

Dear home,
you are paradise on earth,
your beauty, your grace,
oh, they are infinite.

2. Verse
Countless fighters have fallen
for our beloved people.
Mother, give us male strength to
continue on our way.

Old Bulgarian hymns (1886–1964)

Schumi Maritza (1886–1944)

The original text by Schumi Maritza (Es rushes the Maritza ) is by Nikola Schiwkow, who was a teacher in Veles (now the Republic of North Macedonia ). The song was created as a patriotic-revolutionary song during the Bulgarian "rebirth" phase . The song acquired a special meaning in the Balkan Wars . The lion mentioned in the text is considered a symbol of Bulgaria. A lion is depicted in the Bulgarian coat of arms and the Bulgarian currency unit is called lev (ancient for lion).

Шуми Марица The Maritza rustles

Шуми Марица окървавена,
плаче вдовица люто ранена.

Марш, марш, с генерала наш!
В бой да летим, враг да победим!

Български чеда цял свят ни гледа,
хай към победа славна да вървим.

Левът балкански в бой великански
с орди душмански води ни крилат.

Млади и знойни в вихрите бойни.
Ний сме достойни лаври да берем.

Ний сме народа за чест и свобода,
за мила рода, който знай да мре.

The blood-soaked Maritza rustles,
the seriously wounded widow weeps.

March, march with our general!
Let's go into battle, let's defeat the enemy!

Bulgarian brothers, the whole world is looking at us,
let's fight for glorious victory.

The winged Balkan lion leads us
into the gigantic battle against the multitudes of oppressors.

Young and hot-blooded in the fray
, we are worthy of picking the laurel.

We are the people who
know how to die for honor and freedom and for their beloved homeland.

National anthem (1950–1964)

From 1950 to 1964 an anthem was in use, which was written by Nikola Furnadschiew , Mladen Isajew and Elisaveta Bagrjana . The music comes from Georgi Dimitrov, Georgi Slatew-Tscherkin and Swetoslaw Obretenow.

Българийо мила, земя на герои
безспирен и мощен е твоят възход!
Да крепне навеки съюзът ни боен
с великия братски съветски народ!

Слава републико наша свободна!
Страж на мира непреклонно бъди!
Враг ли нападне земята ни родна
в бой до победа ни смело води!

Великото слънце на Ленин и Сталин
с лъчите си нашия път освети.
Димитров за подвиг сърцата запали,
в борбата и в мирния труд ни сплоти.

Строим ний заводи, разкриваме мини,
нивята широки задружно орем.
За нашата скъпа, прекрасна родина
готови сме труд и живот да дадем!

Beloved Bulgaria, you heroic land
unstoppable and mighty is your ascent!
May the fighting alliance
with the great Soviet fraternal people be steadily strengthened!

glory to you, our free republic!
Be unswerving in your peace watch!
Should an enemy attack our homeland,
bravely lead us into a victorious battle!

The great sun of Lenin and Stalin
illuminated our way with its rays.
Dimitrov inflamed our hearts for heroism,
united us in struggle and peaceful work.

We build works, dig mines,
plow the wide fields together.
We are ready
to give our work and our lives for our beloved, beautiful home !

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Bulgarian Wikipedia entry Цветан Радославов