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Mautini ( Arabic موطني, DMG Mauṭinī  'My Home') was Iraq's national anthem of Palestine until 1992 . It was introduced in Iraq in 2004, the text comes from the Palestinian poet Ibrahim Touqan , the music by Mohammed Flayfel (1899–1985), who also composed the Syrian national anthem Humat ad-Diyar . Mautini is a folk song that is very popular in the Arab world and originates from the Pan-Arab period . After the fall of Saddam Hussein , it replaced the previous national anthem Ard al-Furataini Watan .


Arabic transcription German translation
الجلالُ والجمالُ والسَّنَاءُ والبَهَاءُ
في رُبَاكْ في رُبَاكْ
والحياةُ والنجاةُ والهناءُ والرجاءُ
في هواكْ في هواكْ
هلْ أراكْ هلْ أراكْ
سالِماً مُنَعَّماً وَغانِمَاً مُكَرَّمَاً
سالِماً مُنَعَّماً وَغانِمَاً مُكَرَّمَاً
هلْ أراكْ في عُلاكْ
تبلغُ السِماكْ تبلغُ السِماك
موطِني موطِني
موطِني موطِني
الشبابُ لنْ يكِلَّ هَمُّهُ أنْ تستَقلَّ أو يبيدْ
نستقي منَ الردَى ولنْ نكونَ للعدَى
كالعَبيدْ كالعَبيدْ
لا نُريدْ لا نُريدْ
ذُلنا المُؤَبدا وعيشنا المنكدا
ذُلنا المُؤَبدا وعيشنا المنكدا
لا نُريدْ بلْ نُعيدْ
مَجدَنا التليدْ مَجدَنا التليدْ
موطِني موطِنِي
موطِني موطِني
الحُسَامُ واليَرَاعُ لا الكلامُ والنزاعُ
رَمزُنا رَمْزُنا
مجدُنا وعهدُنا وواجبٌ منَ الوَفا
يهزُّنا يهزُّنا
عزُّنا عزُّنا
غايةٌ تشرِّفُ ورايةٌ ترَفرِفُ
يا هناكْ في علاكْ
قاهراً عداكْ قاهراً عداكْ
موطني موطِني
al-ǧalālu wa-l-ǧamalu wa-s-sanāʾu wa-l-bahāʾu
fī rubāk, fī rubāk
wa-l-ḥayātu wa-n-naǧātu wa-l-hanāʾu wa-r-raǧāʾu
fī hawāk, fī hawāk
hal arāk hal arāk
sāliman munaʿʿaman wa-ġāniman mukarraman
sāliman munaʿʿaman wa-ġāniman mukarraman
hal arāk fī ʿulak
tabluġu s-simāk tabluġu s-simāk
mauṭinī mauṭinī
mauṭinī mauṭinī
aš-šabābu lan yakilla hammuhu an tastaqilla au yabīd
nastaqī min ar-radā wa-lan nakūna li-l-ʿidā
ka-l-ʿabīd ka-l-ʿabīd
lā nurīd lā nurīd
ḏullanā l-muʾabbadā wa-ʿaischanā l-munakkadā
ḏullanā l-muʾabbadā wa-ʿaischanā l-munakkadā
lā nurīd bal nuʿīd
maǧdanā t-talīd maǧdanā t-talīd
mauṭinī mauṭinī
mauṭinī mauṭinī
al-ḥusāmu wa-l-yarāʿu lā l-kalāmu wa-n-nizāʿu
ramzunā ramzunā
maǧdunā wa-ʿahdunā wa-wāǧibun min al-wafā
yahuzzunā yahuzzunā
ʿIzzunā ʿizzunā
ġāyatun tušarrifu wa-rāyatun turafrifu
ya hanāk, fī ʿulāk
qāhiran ʿidāk qāhiran ʿidāk
mauṭinī mauṭinī
My home
My home
Splendor and beauty, sublimity and grace
Are in your hills, are in your hills
Life and freedom, joy and hope
Are in your air, Are in your air
Will I see you? Will I see you?
Safe and comfortable, healthy and honored
Safe and comfortable, healthy and honored
Will I see you? In your eminence
To reach the stars, reach the stars
My home, my home
My home, my home
The youth will not tire, their goal is your independence or they will die
We will drink from death but we will never become our enemies
Be a slave, be a slave
We don't want either
Eternal humiliation still a miserable life
Eternal humiliation still a miserable life
We don't want but we become ours
Return great fame, return great fame
My home, my home
My home, my home
The sword and the pen, not the speech and the fight
Are our symbols, are our symbols
Our honor and our promise and our mission to make this happen
Shake us, shake us
Our glory, our glory
is an honorable target and a waving flag
Your beauty, in your high esteem
Victorious over your enemies, Victorious over your enemies
My home, my home

See also