Quintus Baebius Herennius

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Quintus Baebius Herennius was a member of the Roman plebeian family of the Baebier and 216 BC. Chr. Tribune .


The tribunate of Quintus Baebius Herennius falls into the initial phase of the Second Punic War , which the Roman Republic waged against Hannibal . Baebius was a relative of Gaius Terentius Varro and stood for his election as consul of the year 216 BC. Under suspicions of nobility a. The depiction of the Roman historian Titus Livius about the choice of consuls, which was characterized by great antipathy towards Varro, shows that Varro's election went off without a hitch, while the Roman aristocracy struggled to agree on Lucius Aemilius Paullus as the second candidate for the highest office of the state and only him in the second ballot.



  1. Titus Livius 22, 34, 3ff.
  2. Livy 22, 34, 2-35, 7.
  3. Friedrich Münzer : Terentius 83). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume VA, 1, Stuttgart 1934, Col. 683.