Quintus Baebius Tamphilus

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Quintus Baebius Tamphilus was a Roman official who took part in the negotiations with Carthage , trying to prevent the Second Punic War .

Almost nothing is known about his life, but he appears to be Praetor before 218 BC. Because when Hannibal besieged the city ​​of Saguntum (Saguntum), which was allied with the Romans, and the Saguntians sought help in Rome, the Senate sent Baebius and Publius Valerius Flaccus to Hispania to persuade Hannibal to leave Sagunts and then to come back To travel to Carthage to seek extradition for breaching the treaty leading to the end of the First Punic War . The delegation was heard by the Carthaginians, but the city stood behind Hannibal ( Livius 21: 6).

Later that year, Baebius was again a member of a five-member delegation - referred to by Livy as "older men" - who was sent to Carthage with the declaration of war and then traveled back via Hispania and Gaul , where they - with varying degrees of success - recruited allies (Livy 21 , 18). After that, Baebius no longer appears in the sources.

His sons Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus and Marcus Baebius Tamphilus both became consuls .