Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus (Consul 182 BC)

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Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus came from the Roman plebeian family of the Baebier and was 182 BC. Chr. Consul .


Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus was a son of 219 BC. BC Roman envoy Quintus Baebius Tamphilus sent to Hannibal in Sagunto . 204 BC BC he exercised the office of a tribune of the people and sued the censors Marcus Livius Salinator and Gaius Claudius Nero because of their mockery of the state order, but had to stop the prosecution by decision of the Senate . Although the latter was also dissatisfied with the conduct of office of the censors, he did not want to subject their decisions to an appeal to the people.

200 BC Baebius acted as a plebeian aedile . 199 BC He became praetor and was given command of the legions of the previous consul Gaius Aurelius Cotta, who were close to Ariminum . He was under orders to await the arrival of the new consul Lucius Cornelius Lentulus at the head of these legions . The ambitious Baebius wanted to achieve fame himself by making an invasion of the insubrian territory with the army he had taken over, contrary to his mission , but by whom he was defeated with the great loss of about 7,000 men. Because of this, sharply attacked by the approaching Lentulus, he had to return to Rome . 186 BC He belonged to the Tresviri , who were responsible for strengthening the colonies of Sipontum and Buxentum .

Baebius reached the climax of his cursus honorum in 182 BC. When he reached the consulate and received Lucius Aemilius Paullus as his colleague. Both consuls fought successfully against the Ligurians . After the end of his term of office, Baebius went to Rome to lead the election of the new consuls. For the last time he was appointed proconsul in Pisa in 181 BC. BC mentions the year in which his brother Marcus officiated as consul.



  1. Titus Livius 29:37, 17; Valerius Maximus 7, 2, 6.
  2. Livius 31:50 , 3; Didaskalie to Plautus , Stichus .
  3. Livy 31:49, 12; 32, 1, 2-5.
  4. Livius 32, 7, 5ff .; Zonaras 9, 15.
  5. Livy 39, 23, 4.
  6. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 182 BC Chr .: Gnaeus Baebius Q. f. Cn. n. tamphilus ; Livy 39:56, 4; among others
  7. Livy 40, 16, 4.
  8. Livy 40, 17, 8.
  9. Livy 40:19 , 8; 40, 25, 7ff .; 40, 26, 1.