Quintus Marcius Turbo

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Quintus Marcius Turbo Fronto Publicius Severus was a Roman politician, military man, and Praetorian prefect at the time of the emperors Trajan and Hadrian .

Around the year 95 Turbo Centurion was in the legio II Adiutrix in Aquincum and has been friends with Hadrian, the governor of Pannonia Inferior , ever since . After some municipal tribunates with the vigiles , the equites singulares and the Praetorians , he was procurator ludi magni from 110/111 to 113 as head of the largest gladiator school in Rome. After that he became praefectus classis Misenensis (prefect of the Misenum fleet ) in the summer of 113 at the latest ; as such it is occupied at the end of summer 114. Turbo took part in the Parthian war as a fleet prefect on Trajan's staff in the years 114–116 and received the dona militaria for his services there . Also as prefect of the navy, he was assigned other tasks, such as the suppression of the Jewish uprisings (so-called diaspora uprising ) in Egypt and the Cyrenaica or the unrest in Mauritania. Turbo's deployment in Egypt and the Cyrenaica lasted from late 116 or early 117 until late summer 117, the disciplining action in Mauritania from early autumn 117 until early 118 at the latest.

Turbo was then asked to take action against the Sarmatian Jazyans living in the Great Hungarian Plain , who seriously threatened the recently organized province of Dacia . So that he could fulfill his task, he was granted governorship over Upper Dacia and Lower Pannonia in the course of 118. A military diploma proves that he was replaced as governor by Lucius Cornelius Latinianus by the spring of 119 at the latest in Lower Pannonia , while another diploma proves that he was governor of Upper Dacia on November 12th. Probably in the year 118 the appointment as Praetorian prefect took place. He held this office together with Gaius Septicius Clarus , who is known to be the addressee of several Pliny letters . From the time of his prefecture little is known apart from his proverbial efficiency and the end of his term of office is also unknown.

See also



  1. CIL 16, 60 ; AE 1955, 225 .
  2. CIL 14, 4243
  3. Eusebius of Caesarea , Church history 4,2,1–4.
  4. Historia Augusta, Hadrian 5.8; 6.7.
  5. Historia Augusta, Hadrian 6.7; 7.3.
  6. a b Military diplomas of the year 119 ( AE 2003, 2041 , AMN-41 / 42-61 )
  7. a b Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl: New diplomas for the auxiliary troops of Lower Pannonia and the Dacian provinces from Hadrian times In: Acta Musei Napocensis (AMN) 39-40 / I, 2002-2003 (2004), pp. 25-50, here p. 32 ( online ).
  8. Werner Eck, Andreas Pangerl: A diploma for the troops of Dacia superior under the command of Marcius Turbo in the year 119 AD In: AMN 41-42 / I, 2004-2005 (2007), pp. 61-68, here p. 65 ( online ).
  9. Cassius Dio, Römische Geschichte 69,18,1–4; 19.1.