Río Toa

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Río Toa
Rio Toa.jpg
location Guantanamo Province , Cuba
River system Río Toa
source in the Nipe Sagua Baracoa Mountains
muzzle in / near Baracoa in the Atlantic Coordinates: 20 ° 23 '24 "  N , 74 ° 31' 51"  E 20 ° 23 '24 "  N , 74 ° 31' 51"  E

length 131 km
Catchment area 1061 km²

The Río Toa is the most water-rich river in the island state of Cuba . The stream with a length of 131 kilometers has 72 tributaries and lies entirely in the province of Guantánamo .

It rises from the Nipe Sagua Baracoa Mountains and is located in the Cuchillas del Toa Biosphere Reserve , which also includes the Alexander von Humboldt National Park . In the reserve, the average annual rainfall is around 2,800 m, which is the highest value in Cuba.

The catchment area of the Toa River extends over 1061 km 2 .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Hunt, Nigel: Toa River, the mightiest river in Cuba . 2009. Retrieved October 2, 2009.
  2. ^ The Columbia Gazetteer of North America. 2000
  3. Toa River at patrimoniodecuba.com Template: dead link /! ... nourl ( page no longer available )
  4. El Gavilán Caguarero (Chondrohierax uncinatus) en las Aves de Cuba ( Spanish ) Guije.com. Retrieved January 18, 2011.