Rüdiger Kollar

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Rüdiger Kollar (born June 16, 1925 in Aussig , Czechoslovakia ; † March 10, 2005 in Radebeul ) was a teacher and amateur astronomer as well as the founder and long-time director of the Adolph Diesterweg Radebeul public observatory .

Live and act

Public observatory "Adolph Diesterweg" Radebeul

Rüdiger Kollar was born on June 16, 1925 in Aussig, where he received his school education and graduated from high school in 1943. After being drafted and returning from World War II, the family was expelled from the Sudetenland in 1945 and settled in Dresden .

Rüdiger Kollar became a new teacher in Radebeul ; he taught geography, history and mathematics at the Wahnsdorfer Roseggerschule and the Niederlößnitzer Schule. During an additional distance learning course in history, astronomy, geography and mathematics, he discovered his love for celestial studies .

With friends and colleagues of a community college course he founded a Cultural Association -Fachgruppe astronomy with the objective of the establishment and development of a public observatory in Radebeul, which was established in 1959 inaugurated the same year, in which the astronomy teaching in the GDR became a compulsory subject.

Rüdiger Kollar remained a teacher with his love for astronomy, passed the external state examination in astronomy and became head of the Radebeul public observatory. The observatory owes its present day importance to his tireless efforts.

Rüdiger Kollar was a district council candidate of the German Cultural Association, after the election he became a member of the Standing Commission for Culture . In 1976 Kollar was appointed senior teacher and later a teacher. In 1989 he ended his activity as an observatory manager, he retired and moved to Dresden with his wife. After the reunification, Kollar was chairman of the Dresden district group of the Sudeten German Landsmannschaft .

From 1992 Kollar was an honorary member of the Astroclub Radebeul eV and followed all the highlights at the observatory. In 2002 he moved back to Radebeul, where he died on March 10, 2005.

In his honor, the main belt asteroid discovered by Martin Fiedler at the Radebeul observatory in 2005, RD 22, was named Rüdigerkollar after him.


  • Ulf Peschel: Rüdiger Kollar - a life for astronomy . In: Astronomie + Raumfahrt 1/2013 . Pp. 13-16
  • Werner Peinke: Words of remembrance for Rüdiger Kollar . In: Preview & Review; Monthly magazine for Radebeul and the surrounding area . May 2005 ( online ).

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Footnotes and individual references

  1. "... Rüdiger Kollar, who saw the light of day in Aussig on the Elbe in 1925. At the age of 20 he lost his ancestral home, he speaks of THE CAESURE of his life. 'I had to say goodbye to my unforgettable home, was expelled. On June 20, 1945, I found refuge in Radebeul with my parents and my brother. ' " Anniversary speech for the 50th anniversary of the observatory (accessed August 29, 2013) (PDF; 37 kB) Therefore, he also used his retirement to maintain contacts with his hometown, to remember the past and to advocate reconciliation. (e.g. archiv.preussische-allgemeine.de ... 1998_04_25_17.pdf p. 15, left column)
  2. http://archiv.pixelprint.info/pixelprint/Aussiger_Bote/AB_1995/files/assets/common/downloads/page0200.pdf