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RFNA ( Engl. : Red fuming nitric acid , fuming nitric acid ') is the short name for an extremely strong oxidizing agent , which as rocket fuel is used. The mixture of 84% nitric acid, 13% dinitrogen tetroxide and 3% water is very reactive and is therefore treated with an inhibitor , e.g. B. hydrogen fluoride added. The stabilized mixture is then referred to as IRFNA ( inhibited red fuming nitric acid ).


During World War II , the German military used RFNA in missiles such as the Wasserfall anti-aircraft missile . The two mixtures used were referred to as S-material (96% nitric acid with 4% iron chloride ) and SV-material (94% nitric acid with 6% dinitrogen tetroxide ).

Use and properties

In addition to being used as rocket fuel, a mixture of RFNA or WFNA (White Fuming Nitric Acid) with dissolved nitrous oxide and fuming sulfuric acid is considered to be the strongest nitration mixture . Benzene is converted to trinitrobenzene (TNB) and toluene to trinitrotoluene (TNT) in one step . The yield of TNT is almost 100%, benzene does not give a good yield. In contact with some strong reducing agents such as asymmetrical dimethylhydrazine , hydrazine , aniline or light gasoline , RFNA and IRFNA have a hypergolic effect , i.e. that is, they can spontaneously ignite.

safety instructions

Nitric acid is highly corrosive; the mixture can react explosively on contact with flammable substances. With the exception of nitrous oxide (N 2 O, laughing gas ), nitrogen oxides are toxic.

Individual evidence

  1. Nitric Acid / JP-X in the Encyclopedia Astronautica (English)

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