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WFNA ( engl. : White fuming nitric acid , fuming nitric acid white ') is a liquid, extremely strong oxidizing agent , which as a rocket fuel is used. It consists of almost pure nitric acid , less than 2% water and a maximum of 0.5% dissolved nitrogen dioxide . To prevent the corrosion of metal containers, an inhibitor such as hydrogen fluoride is usually added to WFNA . The mixture is then referred to as IWFNA ( inhibited white fuming nitric acid ).

Use and properties

In addition to being used as rocket fuel, a mixture of red fuming nitric acid or WFNA with dissolved dinitrogen pentoxide and fuming sulfuric acid is considered to be the strongest nitration mixture . Benzene is converted to trinitrobenzene (TNB) and toluene to trinitrotoluene (TNT) in one step . The yield of TNT is almost 100% based on the toluene used, with benzene there is not a good yield.

Since it contains little dissolved nitrogen oxides , WFNA is considered safer than RFNA . Without an inhibitor, WFNA immediately forms nitrous oxide upon contact with metals and some organic substances . On combination with some strong reducing agents such as unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazinen, hydrazine , aniline or mineral spirits WFNA and IWFNA act hypergolic , meaning they may ignite spontaneously themselves.

safety instructions

Nitric acid is highly corrosive; the mixture can react explosively on contact with flammable substances. Contact with metal produces toxic nitrogen oxides .

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