RSS parser

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An RSS parser is a special type of parser which the contents of an RSS - Web feeds out reading to recycle it then either for a website or other media. RSS parsers are available in various programming and script languages. However, the most common is PHP , Python or Java .


When information from an RSS feed is integrated into a website, the RSS parser accesses the desired RSS feed directly (machine-to-machine). The relevant information such as title, URL , etc. are read out by the parser and can then be processed further directly as text. The advantage of this technique is that it is very easy to use. The text returned by the parser can be formatted as desired (for example using CSS ) and integrated into a website.

Software with parser functions (selection)

The following list contains a list of programs (without claim to be exhaustive) that RSS code can parse:

  • Most web browsers understand so-called "dynamic bookmarks", in which an RSS feed is displayed as a bookmark, for example Mozilla Firefox , Microsoft's Internet Explorer or Opera . - Apple's Safari, on the other hand, stopped the function and newer web browsers such as Google Chrome and Vivaldi , which is based on its HTML renderer, only support RSS via so-called "extensions".
  • Many newer e-mail programs use the RSS feed in a similar way to their message handling - that is (according to offers) in folders and as the respective "message" (per RSS news). The offer ranges from free solutions via GNUs to commercial solutions in Outlook or Lotus Notes .
  • Some mobile phone manufacturers offer RSS readers via their integrated browser or news programs and can be downloaded onto the device as so-called "offline messages" with the synchronization software to "take with you", so they can also be read offline later .
  • There are various HTML - Java - or PHP - source code , be able to integrate the RSS feeds of third parties in their own website. Every search engine shows a current compilation of the terms "RSS" and "Homepage".

Individual evidence

  1. Panagiotis Kolokythas: Spice up Google Chrome with RSS function. In: PC world . July 3, 2010, accessed November 27, 2015 .