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Infobox radio tower icon
Station logo
TV station ( private law )
reception Cable , satellite & DVB-T2
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission 2nd October 1993
owner RTL Group
executive Director Sven Sauve
List of TV channels

RTL 5 is a private Dutch television broadcaster . It started broadcasting on October 2, 1993 and is considered the fifth full program in the Netherlands . Like RTL 4 , RTL 7 and RTL 8, the station is owned by RTL Nederland Groep . At the beginning of the 1990s, RTL 5 was broadcast analogue via cable and via the Astra 19.2 ° E satellite . For copyright reasons, programs such as series and films had to be encrypted. The Luxcrypt encryption system was used . Initially, the channel intended for young people was not very successful, after which the program schedule was completely changed and the focus was on sports. Even with this one could not achieve success and since 2005 the program has been aimed at the whole family. The station also achieved good audience ratings with the late-night show JENSEN! , moderated by Robert Jensen . RTL 5 can be received in the Netherlands and Luxembourg via DVB-T2 , cable and satellite .

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