Rabochi i soldier

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Rabotschi i Soldat (German worker and soldier ) was a Bolshevik daily newspaper that appeared in Petrograd from July 23 / August 5 to August 10/23 , 1917 in place of the Soldatskaya Pravda newspaper, which was banned by the Provisional Government .

The editorial team included Alexander Ilyin-Schenewski , Alexei Kisseljow , Vladimir Nevsky , Nikolai Podwoiski and Boris Schumjazki . From August 4th / 17th, 1917, it was published as an organ of the military organization of the Central Committee (ZK) of the RSDLP , then, by resolution of the plenum of the Central Committee of the RSDLP, as an organ of the Central Committee, the Petrograd Committee of the RSDLP and the military organization at the Central Committee.

On the same day, the editorial team was expanded to include W. Volodarsky , Vladimir Miljutin , Grigori Sokolnikow , Josef Stalin and a representative of the military organization. 15 issues of the newspaper appeared with a circulation of 50,000 to 70,000 copies.

In the newspaper the articles of Lenin's "Answer", "The Beginning of Bonapartism", "On Constitutional Illusions", the resolutions and materials of the VI. Party congress and other documents published. After being banned by the Provisional Government, it appeared from August 13th / 26th, 1917 under the title Soldat .


  • Andrei Gretschko et al .: Sowetskaja wojennaja enziklopedija: Obekty-Radiokompas . Wojenisdat, 1978, p. 660. (Russian)

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