Wheel grave

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Forms of wheel graves

The wheel grave , also wheel cross grave ( Swedish Hjulgrav or Hjulkorsgrav ; Danish Hjulgraven also hjulformet Stenlægning ), is an Iron Age (500 BC - 550 AD) grave form in Denmark and Scandinavia .

The best preserved examples are in Jutland , mainland Sweden and Gotland . In addition to the example by Linde and Simunde on Gotland with a diameter of around 25.0 m, the former half destroyed by a road today, and the wheel grave of Lilla Bjärs with a diameter of around 17.0 m (relocated to Stenkyrka ), the wheels are above all from Garpenberg in Dalarna , Filipsstad in Värmland , Killinghammar in Västmanland , the Domsteinane in Norway as well as the multiple relocated from Hjordkær to Aabenraa (Aabenraa) and Rødekro (about 10.0 m diameter) in Southern Jutland .

Many wheel graves have a stone box in the center; those of Linde and Stenkyrka even two. In Stenkyrka the stone box is covered with a low round pile of stones. It is related to the somewhat older roes .

The wheel circle and the spokes were made from stones the size of a head or smaller (e.g. from red sandstone). The wheel graves differ from the Uppland (Dragby) spoke-less (Vallstena), but also flat stone circles made of manageable formats, but could represent their local variants. Whether the Domsteinane von Sola in Rogaland ( Norway ) are also a wheel grave remains open.

Another Iron Age form of stone setting from small formats are Treuddar (Dreizags / Trident), like Torsa stenar .

In the "Nécropole tumulaire von Flaujac-Poujols - Camp de l'église north and south" in the Lot département, wheel grave-like built-in mounds were also found.

See also


  • David Dameli, Ingvar Sjögren: Hjulkorsgravar på Dragbyfaltet . In Tor 8 1962 pp. 95-104
  • Joakim Wehlin, Bengt Schönbäck: En storgrav från Gotlands bronsålder. Arkeologisk undersökning vid Simunde i Hörsne med Bara socken på Gotland 1957–58 Gotland University Press 13 Visby 2012 ISBN 91-86343-09-2
  • Jürgen E. Walkowitz: The megalithic syndrome. European cult sites of the Stone Age (= contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe. Vol. 36). Beier & Beran, Langenweißbach 2003, ISBN 3-930036-70-3 .

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