Radial Hoof Village

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A Radialhufendorf is a type of settlement whose characteristics are the corridors starting from the farms in a star shape .

While the Rundangerdorf, for example, emphasizes the circular arrangement of buildings around an inner square, a Radialhufendorf behind each Urhof has the associated corridor in the form of a circular sector . Typically , corridors created by clearing with fields, meadows or pastures up to the edge of the forest or to the next village are connected to an area of ​​garden and fruit trees. As the distance from the village increases, the corridors become wider. Often this basic structure can still be recognized or reconstructed despite the further development of a village with inheritance divisions or changes of ownership.

The place Wüstenbrunn , today part of Rehau , was founded as a Radialhufendorf. The necessary usable space was created by clearing. While the emergence of the place from today's settlement is hardly recognizable, it is still clearly visible on the Bavarian first photograph from the middle of the 19th century.

Individual evidence

  1. radial Hufendorf desert Brunn in Bavaria Atlas