Radulphus Brito

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Radulphus Brito (* around 1270, † 1320 ) was a scholastic philosopher and philologist (grammarian) who worked in Paris.

Also Radulfus Brito, Radulphus Reginaldi Britonis, Raoul le Briton.

The addition Brito comes from its origins in Brittany and it was also identified with Raoul le Briton. Brito studied in Paris with the Magister Artium in 1296 (he may have received it earlier). From 1300 to 1307 he was a professor in the artist faculty in Paris, studied theology (Magister theologiae 1311/12) and joined the theological faculty in 1311. From 1315 he was provisional to the Sorbonne .

He belonged to the speculative (modistic) language philosophers called Modistae (such as Thomas von Erfurt , Martinus Dacus (Morten Mogensen), Siger von Courtrai and Boetius von Dacien ). They tried to draw metaphysical conclusions from the analysis of everyday language. Brito dealt in particular with Aristotle (Commentary on De Anima, Nicomachean Ethics , Logic), Boethius (De differentiis topicis) and Priscian .

A number of manuscripts by him are known.


  • Quaestiones in Aristotelis librum tertium De anima , ed. W. Fauser, in: The commentary of Radulphus Brito on book III De anima , Münster: Aschendorff 1974.
  • Sophism aliquis homo est species , editor in January Pinborg in: Radulphus Brito's sophism on second intentions , Vivarium, Volume 13, 1975, p 119-152.
  • Sophisma Rationale est animal , ed. Sten Ebbesen in: The sophism Rationale est animal , Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Age Grec et Latin, Volume 24, 1978, pp. 85-120.
  • Sophisma Omnis homo est omnis homo , Quaestiones super De differentiis topicis Boethii , ed. Niels J. Green-Pedersen, Jan Pinborg, in: Radulphus Brito: Commentary on Boethius' De differentiis topicis and the sophism Omnis homo est omnis homo , Cahiers de l 'Institut du Moyen-Age Grec et Latin, Volume 26, 1978, pp. 1-92.
  • Quaestiones in Aristotelis libros De anima, q. 1.6 , Quaestiones super librum Porphyrii, qq. 5-8 , Ed. Jan Pinborg, Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Age Grec et Latin, Volume 35, 1980, pp. 56-142.
  • Quaestiones super Priscianum minorem , Ed. HW Enders, Jan Pinborg, `` Grammatica speculativa '', Volume 3 / 1–2. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann Holzboog, 1980.
  • Quaestiones super Sophisticos elenchos, qq. I.10–19 , Ed. Sten Ebbesen, in: Texts on equivocation. Part II. Approx. 1250-1310 , Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Age Grec et Latin, Volume 68, 1998, pp. 99-307.
  • Quaestiones in Aristotelis libros ethicorum , ed. Iacopo Costa, in: Le questiones di Radulfo Brito sull'Etica Nicomachea , Studia artistarum 16, Turnhout: Brepols, 2008.
  • Quaestiones super Priora Analytica Aristotelis , ed. Gordon Wilson, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2016.


  • William J. Courtenay: Radulphus Brito, master of arts and theology . Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Age Grec et Latin, Volume 76, 2005, pp. 131-158.
  • Jean-Luc Deuffic: Un logicien renowned proviseur de Sorbonne au XIVè s. Raoul le Breton de Ploudiry. Notes bio-bibliographiques. Pecia, Vol. 1, 2002, pp. 45-154
  • Sten Ebbesen : Radulphus Brito. The last of the great arts masters. Or: Philosophy and freedom , in: Jan A. Aertsen, Andreas Speer (Ed.), Geistesleben im 13th Century. Miscellanea mediaevalia 27. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1999, pp. 231-251.
  • Stephen J. Livesey: Radulfus Brito, Master of Arts and Theologian at Paris, fl. Approx. 1270 – approx. 1320 , in: International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages-Online. A Supplement to LexMA-Online. Turnhout: Brepolis 2005
  • Charles Lohr: Medieval Latin Aristotle Commentaries , in: Traditio, Volume 28, 1972, pp. 281-396.

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