Rafael Joseffy

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Rafael Joseffy
Announcement Rafael Joseffy in the Philharmonic Hall

Rafael Joseffy (born July 3, 1852 in Hunfalu , † June 25, 1915 in New York ) was a Hungarian pianist and music teacher.


Shortly after his birth, their parents moved to Miskolc , where he spent his childhood. Joseffy had piano lessons from the age of eight. His first important teacher was Friedrich Bauer in Budapest, who had also taught Stephen Heller . In 1868 he came to the Leipzig Conservatory , where he studied with Ernst Friedrich Wenzel and also had lessons with Ignaz Moscheles . From 1868 to 1870 he studied in Berlin with Carl Tausig , in the summer months of 1870 and 1871 with Franz Liszt in Weimar.

Joseffy made his first public appearance in Berlin in 1872. He lived in Vienna until 1879. He went on many concert tours in Europe. Herman Colell brought him to America in 1879. He made his debut at Chickering Hall under Leopold Damrosch . He subsequently appeared with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and the orchestra of Theodore Thomas . He was one of the first pianists to make the works of Johannes Brahms known in the USA.

In 1900 he became an American citizen. Joseffy lived in Tarrytown -on-the-Hudson, not far from New York.

From 1888 to 1906 he headed the piano department at the National Conservatory of Music of America, which was founded in 1885. By 1900, 3,000 students had already studied at the school.

Joseffy published a fifteen-volume edition of the works of Frédéric Chopin and wrote a School of Advanced Piano Playing ("Schule des Höheren Klavierspieles"). He also composed salon music for the piano.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chickering Hall