Raffaele de Courten

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Raffaele de Courten (born September 23, 1888 in Milan , † September 23, 1978 in Frascati ) was an Italian admiral .


After studying at the Naval Academy in Livorno , he served on various warships , including the battleships Vittorio Emanuele and Benedetto Brin . During the First World War he served in the Italian naval aviators . In May 1915 he took part in an airship attack on the Austrian base in Pola , during which the airship was shot down and the crew was taken prisoner. Between the two world wars he commanded submarines and destroyers . From 1933 to 1936 de Courten was an Italian naval attaché in Germany .

During the Second World War he commanded the 7th and then 8th cruiser divisions of the Italian Navy as rear admiral and took u. a. participated in the first Syrte battle and in Operations Vigorous and Harpoon in June 1942.

After Mussolini was deposed , he succeeded Admiral Arturo Riccardi in the Badoglio government on July 27, 1943 at the post of Minister of the Navy . Before and after the armistice of September 8, 1943, De Courten tried to secure the cohesion and interests of the fleet. Although it operated with parts on the Allied side from 1943 to 1945, it had to accept severe restrictions and limitations in the subsequent peace treaty. At the end of 1946, de Courten resigned from his post as Chief of Staff of the Navy in protest because of these clauses, which were felt to be excessive.

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