Ragip Ramaj

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Ragip Ramaj (born August 20, 1953 in Donja Klina near Srbica , Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ) is an Albanian journalist and author.


Ragip Ramaj grew up with seven siblings (four brothers, three sisters) in a large Albanian family. His parents were the bricklayer Hysen Ramaj and his wife Sala. Ramaj read a lot as a child. He spent his childhood with Azeminja, the daughter of the Albanian separatist leader Azem Bejtë Galica , who had married into the Ragip family. He attended high school in the municipality of Skënderaj , but was suspended shortly before graduating from high school because of his activities against the Yugoslav state that he carried out with his brothers and had to flee from the Drenica region . He has been arrested by the police several times since he was 17, as was his brother, who was arrested by the police at the age of 17 on his way to school and was imprisoned for five years.

After studying literature at the University of Pristina , he worked for a short time as a literature teacher at a grammar school in Lipljan , but soon afterwards he was hired as a journalist for the Albanian radio and television station TVP . There he was involved in programs such as Ora televizive letrare , TV Akordiada , Takime me shkrimtar . He also wrote for newspapers such as Rilindja , Zëri i Rinisë , Pionieri , Gazeta e Pioniereve , Flaka e Vëllazerimit , Gëzimi , Fatosi and others.

Ramaj's programs and texts testify to his pronounced patriotism , with which he wanted to maintain the national consciousness of his readers and viewers in a time when the Albanian identity was restricted. He took part in the demonstrations in Pristina in 1968 and from 1981 to 1990. At that time he took part in recurrent illegal activities against the Serb-dominated Yugoslav government. He maintained close relations with the founder of the Marxist-Leninist national movement for the liberation of Kosovo (LKÇK), Jusuf Gërvalla , who was murdered in Untergruppenbach in 1982 under unexplained circumstances.

Ramajs lost his job at TVP; Albanian newspapers stopped publishing his articles. In the autumn of 1991 he was arrested by the Yugoslav police. He then hid with relatives and friends until he was able to leave Kosovo with his wife and children for Germany in April 1992 , where he continued his activities. Here and in other European countries he took part in other demonstrations and events.

Ramaj founded the German-Albanian association Doruntina eV , published the first issue of the children's magazine of the same name " Doruntina " in 1996 and founded a publishing house of the same name a few years later. Since the end of the Kosovo war in 1999, he has worked as a foreign correspondent with reports on the Albanian diaspora for Radio Televizioni i Kosovës .


Ramaj published around 40 bilingual books to promote German-Albanian cultural relations. He gave two volumes of poetry with collections of Albanian children's poems with the titles Cicërima të shqetësuara ( German  restless chirping ) and Atdheun e kam në zemër ( I carry my homeland in my heart ) and also published the five books

  • Do ta blej nje qysh , 1984 (German: I buy a grandfather )
  • Dy kembë ne nje kepucë , 1988 ( Two feet in one shoe )
  • Korridoret e shpirtit , 2003 ( corridors of the soul )
  • Mollë e kafshuar , 2003 ( bitten apple )
  • Gjerdan malli , 2003 ( necklace of longing )

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