Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf

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Logo of the cooperative banks  Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Seat 93128 Regenstauf
legal form Registered cooperative
Bank code 750 618 51
founding February 6, 1894
Association Cooperative Association of Bavaria
Website www.raiffeisenbank-regenstauf.de
Business data 2019
Total assets 286.3 million euros
insoles 219.7 million euros
Customer credit 169.0 million euros
Employee 57
Offices 5
Members 3,317
Board Stephan Hauf (chairman),
Wolfgang Haas
Supervisory board Barbara Eigl (Chair)
List of cooperative banks in Germany

The Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG is a cooperative bank with headquarters in Regenstauf . Your business area is north of Regensburg in the Regensburg district .


The cooperative was founded on February 6, 1894. It appeared for the first time under the name of the savings and loan association Rampsau eG with unlimited liability . The balance at that time was:

  • Income: 10,024.40 marks,
  • Expenditures: 9,951.05 marks,
  • Surplus: 73.35 marks,

from that

  • Gold: 60.00 marks,
  • Silver: 13.00 marks,
  • Coins: 0.35 marks

On June 17, 1955, the Raiffeisenbank Rampsau eG merged with the Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf-habenbach eG to form Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG. On April 25, 1964, the newly formed Raiffeisenbank merged with what was then Raiffeisenkasse Eitlbrunn eGmbH. Further mergers took place on the following dates: on June 19, 1968 with Raiffeisenkasse Pettendorf eGmbH, June 21, 1968 with Raiffeisenbank Hainsacker-Kareth eGmbH (resulting from the merger between Raiffeisenkasse Kareth eGmbH and Raiffeisenkasse Hainsacker eGmbH on May 12, 1966) . The last merger dates from May 16, 1980 with Raiffeisenkasse Bubach am Forst eGmbH.

Economic data

In addition to the main branch in Regenstauf, Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG has five other branches in Kareth, Hainsacker, Steinsberg, Pettendorf and Pielmühle. For 2019 a balance sheet total of 286.3 million euros is reported.

Business alignment

As a registered cooperative, Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG stands by the basic values ​​of the cooperative. First and foremost, these are regional ties and the promotion of the region, its customers and its members. The bank maintains six branches for this purpose.


The organs of the bank are the management board , the supervisory board and the general assembly . The general assembly consists of the members of the bank, who are the highest governing body of a cooperative bank. You become a member of a cooperative bank by purchasing shares in the bank.

Protection scheme

In addition to the statutory deposit guarantee, Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG is the guarantee scheme of the Federal Association of German Volksbanks and Raiffeisenbanks e. V. (BVR) affiliated. This facility operates deposit protection, making the deposits ( savings bonds , savings , schedule and demand deposits as well as affiliated banks issued bearer bonds and certificates ) secured by customers in unlimited height.

In addition, the BVR protection scheme pursues institute protection, ie an affiliated bank that is in financial difficulties is being restructured and provided with financial resources so that it can meet all its obligations.

Network partner

The network partners are independent partner companies from the financial services sector, which complement or expand the range of products and services of Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG. These include:

BankCard ServiceNetz

The cooperative bank Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG is connected to the nationwide BankCard ServiceNetz and the BankCard Account Info.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Master data of the credit institute at the Deutsche Bundesbank
  2. Annual financial statements as of December 31, 2019 in the eBundesanzeiger

Coordinates: 49 ° 7 ′ 25.2 ″  N , 12 ° 7 ′ 39.5 ″  E