Raising the Bar (TV series)

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Television series
Original title Raising the bar
Country of production United States
original language English
Year (s) 2008 - 2009
ABC Studios , Steven Bochco Productions
length about 45 minutes
Episodes 25 in 2 seasons
genre Drama , justice
idea Steven Bochco , David Feige
First broadcast September 1, 2008 (USA) on TNT

Raising the Bar is an American justice television series which premiered on September 1, 2008 (USA) on TNT . The series consists of 25 episodes in two seasons, after which the broadcasting station, due to weak ratings, refrained from continuing. It has not yet been broadcast in German. The series is only available in the original language on Prime Video .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Raising The Bar: TNT discontinues series after second season. In: serienjunkies.de . Retrieved July 29, 2019 .
  2. Prime Video - Raising the Bar [OV]. In: amazon.de . Retrieved July 29, 2019 .