Ralph Tunder

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Ralph Tunder (born January 15, 1966 in Aurich ) is Academic Director of the Health Care Management Institute (HCMI) and an adjunct professor at the EBS University of Economics and Law .

The HCMI logo.

Ralph Tunder was born on January 15th, 1966 in Aurich. After training as an advertising clerk in Düsseldorf, he studied business administration at the University of Augsburg with a focus on marketing, corporate management and organization as well as the sociology of planning (doctorate 1999). In 2008 Ralph Tunder took over the scientific management of the Health Care Management Institute (HCMI) at the EBS Business School. He has also been an adjunct professor for health care marketing there since 2012.

academic career

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2012 Appointment as adjunct professor at the EBS University of Economics and Law and assumption of the professorship for Health Care Marketing

since 2008 Academic Director of the Health Care Management Institute (HCMI) at the EBS Business School University of Economics and Law, formerly the European Business School (EBS), International University, Schloss Reichartshausen

since 2007 provisional representation of the chair for health care management at the EBS Business School

since 2007 member of the board of directors of the Market Management Institute (MMI) at the EBS Business School

2006 junior professor and acting representative of the chair for product management at the EBS Business School

2003-2004 Acting representation of the chair for business administration, especially strategic marketing of Prof. Dr. Roland Mattmüller at the European Business School (EBS), International University, Schloss Reichartshausen

1999 PhD at the European Business School (EBS), International University, Reichartshausen Castle Topic of the dissertation: "Transaction Relationship and Transaction Value - Theoretical Background, Conceptualization and Implications from the Manufacturer's Viewpoint to Retailers"

Since 1995 various teaching assignments at administration and business academies (VWA) and the Munich Business School , in the MBA program of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and at the Steinbeis University in Berlin.

1990–1994 studied business administration at the University of Augsburg with a focus on marketing, management and organization as well as planning sociology

Area of ​​responsibility at the HCMI

As director of the HCMI, Ralph Tunder heads the postgraduate course Executive MBA Health Care Management and is the scientific director of the postgraduate intensive courses in health economics and market access. Ralph Tunder has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Market Management Institute at EBS Business School since 2007.

Ralph Tunder has been the first chairman of the German Association for Market Access eV (DFGMA) since 2011 , is on the practice advisory board of the specialist journal Market Access & Health Policy, and is a member of the jury for the innovation prize of the medical journal.


The HCMI, the Health Care Management Institute, aims to take a holistic approach to health care and health economics organizations, from service providers (e.g. hospitals, outpatient medical practices, medical care centers and health insurance companies) to industrial companies (e.g. health insurance companies) B. Medical technology, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry). The HCMI offers the post-graduate courses in Health Economics and Executive MBA Health Care Management as well as the Market Access Management course.



  • Ralph Tunder together with Belinda Martschinke: The QALY Approach - Potentials and Limits, in: Der Urologe 53 (2014), 1/2014, pp. 7-14.
  • Ralph Tunder: The health market is changing to Health 2.0 - Health Communication in Web 2.0, in: Yearbook Healthcare Marketing, 2013, pp. 3–8.
  • Ralph Tunder: Empathic leadership in the medical field - the senior doctor in the field of tension of a new claim, in: Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift 57 (2013), 4/2013, pp. 90–96
  • Ralph Tunder together with Maren Freiberg: Identification of the stakeholders for the market access of pharmaceutical products, in: market access & health policy, No. 3, 2013, pp. I-IV.
  • Ralph Tunder together with Maike Bestehorn: After the benefit assessment is before the benefit proving - registry studies can sustainably support the market position of a product, in: Pharmazeutische Medizin, 14 (2), 2012. pp. 88–95.
  • Ralph Tunder: Requirements for a more flexible and pragmatic design of the AMNOG, in market access & health policy, No. 6, 2012, p. III.
  • Ralph Tunder together with Maike Bestehorn: Health services research and pharmaceutical economics: after the benefit assessment is before the benefit proving - the use of clinical registers can sustainably support the market position of a drug or medical product; in: Pharmaceutical Medicine, No. 2, May, 2012, pp. 27-37.
  • Ralph Tunder: What does health economics do? A location determination, in: Der Urologe, No. 12, Volume 50, 2011 pp. 1543–1549.
  • Ralph Tunder together with Stefan Ruhl: Emotional leadership - The royal road for chief physicians ?, in: Klinikarzt - Medizin im Krankenhaus, No. 1, 2011, pp. 10–11.
  • Ralph Tunder: Creating Acceptance, in. Pharma Marketing Journal, No. 1, 2011.
  • Edited by Ralph Tunder together with Thomas Ecker and Klaus Jürgen Preuß: Handbuch Market Access, Düsseldorf 2011.
  • Ralph Tunder: Market Access - Development of a Conceptual Management Approach, in: Ecker, T./Preuß, K.-J./Tunder, R. (Ed.): Handbook Market Access, Marketing Authorization Without Side Effects, Düsseldorf 2011, p. 1– 27.


  • Ralph Tunder: Health Economics - Quo vadis?!, 58th Congress of the North Rhine-Westphalian Society for Urology in Essen, April 2012.
  • Ralph Tunder: Branding: The clinic as a brand, Congress of Pneumological Clinics in Kassel, November 2010. The brand and its significance in the healthcare sector, 24th Surgeons' Day in Berlin, October 2010
  • Ralph Tunder: How much business administration does a doctor need ?, Career Day Medicine in Cologne, October 2010.
  • Ralph Tunder: Technical competence or emotion ?, Successful marketing of technology and service concepts, Living space congress - Lifelong dream: AAL - Ambience and services in special life situations in Nuremberg, September 2010.
  • Ralph Tunder: Technical competence above all else? The importance of emotional addressing in customer contact, 3rd German AAL Congress in Berlin, January 2010.
  • Ralph Tunder: On the importance of business administration in medicine, Congress Perspectives and Careers in Medicine in Frankfurt, January 2010.


  1. Website of the HCMI, "Management and Organization"
  2. HCMI website
  3. ^ Website of the HCMI, publications by Ralph Tunder

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