Ramal de Campista

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Route of the Ramal de Campista
historical train station of Avenida near Campos
Route length: 55 km
Route - straight ahead
Linha do Litoral
Station, station
0.0 Campos
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the right, from the right
Linha do Litoral
Station, station
Ramal de Santo Amaro de Campos
Station, station
Martin's location
Ramal de Barão de Sao José
Station, station
Station, station
São João da Barra
End station - end of the line

The Ramal de Campista is a historic railway line in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro in southeastern Brazil.


The Ramal de Campista was put into operation on September 3, 1897 by the railway company EF Campista. He connected the city of Campos in today's state of Rio de Janeiro with the coastal town of Atafona. In 1902 the railway line was sold to the Estrada de Ferro Leopoldina company and has been called Ramal de Campista since then.

There was passenger traffic on this route until the end of the 1960s. The line was shut down in parts in 1966, but the entire line was never officially shut down.

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