Raoul I. de Tosny

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Raoul de Tosny ( Rodulphus de Todeniaco ) (* 991 attested; † before 1024) is the first member of the Tosny family to bear the name de Tosny .


He was the son of Rodulphus filius Hugonis , grandson of Hugo de Calvacamp and the nephew of Hugo, Archbishop of Rouen and previously a monk in the Abbey of Saint-Denis . Archbishop Hugues probably gave Raoul the domain Tosny , which belonged to the archbishopric, but was quite far from Rouen , whereby it took until 1014 before Raoul was referred to as de Todeniaco , de Tosny. It is far less certain that Hugo also gave him the domain of Conches-en-Ouche .

On the basis of this property, Raoul succeeded in advancing in the Duchy of Normandy. In 991 it appears for the first time in a ducal document, in a contract between Richard I of Normandy and the English king Æthelred .

Around 1013, Duke Richard II had the Tillières-sur-Avre castle built on the border , which he entrusted to Néel I de Saint-Sauveur , Raoul and his son Roger I de Tosny . A few years later he fell out of favor for an unknown reason. With four companions he went on a pilgrimage to Rome, from where he went on to southern Italy to fight against the Byzantine Empire . When he found grace in Richard's eyes again, he returned to Normandy. He died a short time later.


  • Lucien Musset , Aux origines d'une classe dirigeante: les Tosny, grands barons normands du Xe au XIIe siècle , special edition from Francia Research on Western European History , Munich, 1978, p.45-80


  1. Raoul is also referred to as the son or brother of the two Hugos, but simple calculations stand in the way: Archbishop Hugo was in office at least since 942 and died in 989 or 990. Raoul first appeared in 991 and lived until the 1020s. He cannot therefore be the potentissimus vir Rodulf (Raoul), who is mentioned as Hugo's son, but must be his son