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Raphe or sometimes Rhaphe (ancient Greek for "seam") stands for:


  • Adhesion line on the underside of the scrotum (Raphe scroti) , the penis and the female perineum see Raphe perinei
  • Adhesion line on the underside of the foreskin (Raphe praeputii) , see penile foreskin
  • rudimentary line of adhesion on the male genitals (Raphe penis) , see Raphe perinei # Raphe perinei in men
  • Adhesion line on the palate (raphe palati) , see palate
  • Adhesion line on the throat (Raphe pharyngis) , see throat
  • Tendon ligaments between the cheek and throat muscles, see Raphe pterygomandibularis
  • median connection line in the elongated medulla (medulla oblongata) , see medulla oblongata
  • median line connecting the bridge (pons) , see pons
  • Group of nuclei of the central nervous system in the brain (Nuclei raphes) , see Raphe nuclei


  • Raphe (diatoms) , gap-shaped breakthrough in the shells of the Pennales
  • Seed suture, also called raphe, elongated point of attachment of ovule and funiculus, see ovule # structure

See also:

Wiktionary: Raphe  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations