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Municipality Rattenberg
Coordinates: 49 ° 3 ′ 2 ″  N , 12 ° 47 ′ 7 ″  E
Height : 634 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 13  (1970)

Rauberthal was part of the municipality of Rattenberg in the Straubing-Bogen district . Today the place is assigned to the district Gneißen .

The place is surrounded by the forest on the western slope of the Bernhardsnagels . It is accessed by a 700-meter-long spur road that branches off from the SR 37 district road in Gneißen .


Rauberthal belonged to the district court of Mitterfels and to the parish of Rattenberg. Until 1970 the wasteland was part of the former community of Siegersdorf , which was incorporated into Rattenberg. Although the place has not been run as an independent district since around 1973, but is assigned to the village of Gneißen, the place name (as of 2011) still appears in official documents decades later.

Population development

  • 1838: 013 inhabitants
  • 1860: 006 inhabitants
  • 1871: 005 inhabitants
  • 1875: 006 inhabitants
  • 1885: 007 inhabitants
  • 1900: 005 inhabitants
  • 1913: 009 inhabitants
  • 1925: 006 inhabitants
  • 1950: 010 inhabitants
  • 1961: 011 inhabitants
  • 1970: 013 inhabitants


  • Bavarian State Surveying Office (Hrsg.): Topographic map 6942 Sankt Englmar . Munich 1969 ( online [PDF; 10.0 MB ]).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Official local directory for Bavaria . Issue 335 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1973, DNB  740801384 , p. 116 ( digitized version ).
  2. a b BayernAtlas of the Bavarian State Government ( notes )
  3. ^ Joseph Anton Eisenmann, Carl Friedrich Hohn: Topo-geographical-statistical lexicon of the Kingdom of Bavaria . Second volume, MZ. Erlangen 1832, p. 371 ( digitized version ).
  4. Rauberthal. Retrieved December 3, 2016 .
  5. ^ Information sheet from the municipality of Rattenberg. June 17, 2011, p. 7 , accessed December 3, 2016 .
  6. Josepf Lipf (Editor): matrikel bishopric of Regensburg . Ed .: Diocese of Regensburg. Pustet, Regensburg 1838, p. 237 ( digitized version ).
  7. ^ Diocese of Regensburg (ed.): Matriculation of the Diocese of Regensburg : according to the general parish and church description from 1860 ... Regensburg 1863, p. 321 ( digitized version ).
  8. Kgl. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to districts, administrative districts, court districts and municipalities, including parish, school and post office affiliation ... with an alphabetical general register containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875 . Adolf Ackermann, Munich 1877, 2nd section (population figures from 1871, cattle figures from 1873), Sp. 406 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00052489-4 ( digitized version ).
  9. Kgl. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to districts, administrative districts, court districts and municipalities, including parish, school and post office affiliation ... with an alphabetical general register containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875 . Adolf Ackermann, Munich 1877, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00052489-4 ( digitized - alphabetical register of places on page 124).
  10. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Localities directory of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to government districts, administrative districts, ... then with an alphabetical register of locations, including the property and the responsible administrative district for each location. LIV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1888, Section III, Sp. 386 ( digitized version ).
  11. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places . LXV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1904, Section II, Sp. 393 ( digitized version ).
  12. ^ Diocese of Regensburg (ed.): Register of the Diocese of Regensburg . ed. i. A. Sr Excellency of the Most Revered Bishop Dr. Antonius von Henle from the Episcopal Ordinariate Regensburg. Regensburg 1916, p. 137 ( digitized version ).
  13. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Localities directory for the Free State of Bavaria according to the census of June 16, 1925 and the territorial status of January 1, 1928 . Issue 109 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1928, Section II, Sp. 406 ( digitized version ).
  14. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria - edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 . Issue 169 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1952, DNB  453660975 , Section II, Sp. 381 ( digitized version ).
  15. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official city directory for Bavaria, territorial status on October 1, 1964 with statistical information from the 1961 census . Issue 260 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1964, DNB  453660959 , Section II, Sp. 284 ( digitized version ).