Official local directories for Bavaria

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The official local registers for Bavaria were published by the Royal Bavarian Statistical Bureau and the Bavarian State Statistical Office .

A distinction must be made here between the official municipality register for Bavaria , which was published from 1858 to 1987 and only provides statistical data up to the municipality level; the historical municipality directory , which shows the statistical results from 1840 to 1952 bundled down to the municipality level, and the official place directory for Bavaria in the strict sense with nine publications that appeared from 1877 to 1991 and offers statistical data down to the local level.


The Topographia Bavariae was published for the Duchy of Bavaria in 1644 by Matthäus Merian the Elder and Martin Zeiller . Only larger places are described here, statistical information is largely missing. From 1801 to 1808 Joseph von Hazzi published the four-volume work Statistical Information about the Duchy of Baiern . Here you can find u. a. all places with information on the type of place and the number of properties.

The first place directory for the Kingdom of Bavaria was created on behalf of Maximilian von Montgelas . These so-called “Montgelas Counts” were a 430-volume manuscript containing statistical surveys from the years 1809/10, 1811/1812 and 1814/15, and others. a. Places, buildings, population numbers (differentiated according to gender, religion, family number, number of children), births, weddings, deaths (differentiated according to age, gender and cause of death), mineral products, harvest, livestock, manufactories and factories, number of artists, craftsmen, merchants, Trade, immigration and emigration, arrests, prisons, hospitals, poor houses (each with inmates), community finances.

In 1840 and 1852 the “Cadastre of the localities, the population and the buildings” were drawn up by the Royal Statistical Bureau. This directory, comprising 25 large folio volumes, lists Bavarian towns and villages according to administrative districts (districts), police districts and political communities. There is also detailed information on the topographical characteristics of the places, school and parish affiliation, population by age and gender, family relationships, religious affiliation, occupation and employment as well as the building stock. These cadastres are also only available as a manuscript.

The first printed complete place directory was the Topographical Lexicon of the Kingdom of Bavaria , which was first published by Joseph Anton Eisenmann on his own initiative in 1819/20. This lexicon was only an alphabetical list of all places in the Kingdom of Bavaria with the indication of the type of place and its administrative affiliation. Together with Karl Friedrich Hohn , the work was fundamentally revised (further information on the number of residents and residential buildings, church affiliation, possibly notes on history and economy) and published in 1831/32. There are also lemmas about castles, mountains, forest areas and bodies of water. However, there is no information on when the statistical data was collected.

The Kingdom of Bavaria , published by Max Siebert in 1840 , and the Topographical Lexicon of the Kingdom of Bavaria , published in 1863 by JC Ursprung, are based on Eisenmann-Hohn . Both works, however, generally leave out smaller towns and a large amount of additional information.

The geographical-statistical-historical manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria , which was also published by Pleikard Stumpf on his own initiative in 1852/53, is incomplete. As a rule, only the main towns of the municipalities are mentioned in places, sometimes with a detailed historical description, but only with sparse statistical information (inhabitants, residential buildings) of unclear dates. The work provides detailed information on the Kingdom of Bavaria, its administrative districts and regional courts. - Even in Bavaria , published in 1861, only municipalities are considered almost exclusively. The information on the number of inhabitants has been adopted unchanged by Pleikard Stumpf. Otherwise, all descriptions are omitted from this 51-page work.

The third complete place directory was the Topographisch-Statistisches Handbuch of the Kingdom of Bavaria , which appeared in 1867 and is based on the results of the census of December 3, 1861. In terms of systematics and statistical description, the work is largely identical to the official local registers of the Statistical Bureau.

The expenditure of the Bavarian statistical office

A total of nine gazetteers have been published, all of which are based on census results (see below for the exact title ):

  • 1877 (census December 1, 1871, in the local register census December 1, 1875)
  • 1888 (census December 1, 1885),
  • 1904 (census December 1, 1900),
  • 1928 (census June 16, 1925),
  • 1952 (census September 13, 1950),
  • 1964 (June 6, 1961 census),
  • 1973 and 1978 (census on May 27, 1970),
  • 1991 ( May 25, 1987 census ).

All works have a systematic part and an alphabetical part .

The systematic part follows the structure: District → higher-level municipality → higher-level regional court → higher-level district office → higher-level administrative district.

The administrative regions appear in the order Upper Bavaria , Lower Bavaria , Palatinate , Upper Palatinate , Upper Franconia , Middle Franconia , Lower Franconia , Swabia . In the respective administrative districts, first the independent cities are found , then the district offices (from 1938 district ) in alphabetical order. The respective sections on the district offices are subdivided into the regional courts contained therein ( local courts since 1880 ). This distinction no longer applies from the 1952 edition. These sections are preceded by information on the administrative bodies ( rent office , forestry office, etc.) and a summary of the district's key statistical data. Following is the alphabetical list of the municipalities contained therein with details of the districts and their local type , the number of inhabitants , the number of residential buildings (Wgb.) And the field area of the municipality .

In terms of place types , a distinction is made in all works between solitude (E.), hamlet (W.), Gnotschaft , village (D.), Kirchdorf (Kd.), Pfarrdorf (Pfd.), Market (Mkt.) And city (St. ). With the 1904 edition, many wastelands are no longer listed as districts. For building number spending between 1973 and 1978 have no entry. The 1877 edition only provides information on the number of residential buildings for the municipality. However, it also offers total figures for all buildings (including uninhabited ones) for individual locations and for the municipality. The 1991 edition provides additional data on the number of apartments. There is no information on the area of ​​the municipality in the editions of 1877, 1973 and 1978. Until 1964 hectare (ha) was used as the area measure , in the 1991 edition it is the area measure square kilometers (km²).

Only the editions from 1877 to 1964 provide information on the affiliation of the individual places with regard to church , school and post offices with the respective distance information (in km ), whereby Jewish parishes are not taken into account. In the editions from 1877 to 1925 there are additional statistical data on denominational affiliation for the individual communities. A distinction is made between Catholic (k.), Protestant (pr., From 1904 ev.), Reformed (Reform.), Mennonite (Menn.), Israeli (Isr.) And other denominations (a. C.). Information on the livestock of a municipality can only be found in the editions 1877, 1888 and 1904. The types of cattle listed are horses (P.), cattle (Rv.), Pigs (Schw.) And goats (Z.).

In the alphabetical part, all places are listed with information on the type of place, its administrative affiliation (district office or district) and where it was found in the systematic part. In the editions of 1973, 1978 and 1991 the affiliation to the political municipality and the administrative district is also given.

Critical remarks

The reference date for the collection of statistical data is inconsistent in all directories. This concerns the information on the number of livestock, the school affiliation, the area of ​​the municipality. This leads to problems in particular with the dissolution of municipalities, transfers from districts to other municipalities or transfers from municipalities to other administrative units. This applies above all to the 1973 edition, as the regional reform in Bavaria at that time resulted in numerous reorganizations and incorporations. The statistical material is based on the results of the 1970 census, while the area count is 1972. This means that there are no municipalities that still existed at the time of the census result, while the statistical data of a municipality where there were entries or exits is distorted.

The definition of the residential building has changed with the edition of 1904: From then on, the "other inhabited buildings" were no longer included.

The basis for calculating the number of inhabitants has changed over time: from 1871 to 1900 the basis was the population present on the cut-off date of the respective census (= "local population"); from 1925 to 1970 it was the main place of residence, which was a presence was no longer required on the census date (= " resident population ") and in 1987 it was the main residence where homeless people are no longer counted (= "people with main residence ").

The official local registers from 1878 to 1928 do not explain the criteria according to which the distinction was made between the village , hamlet and desert types . A check reveals that there is no precise definition. Examples: Erlbach with 14 residential buildings was classified as a hamlet, while Grüb with 12 residential buildings was designated as a village. Köhlau and Witzmannsmühle both have 5 residential buildings. Nevertheless, Köhlau was listed as a wasteland, while Witzmannsmühle was considered a hamlet. It was not until the 1952 edition that the standard that is still valid today applies: Einöde (1–2 Wgb.), Weiler (3–9), Dorf (10–).

The distances were given in the 1877 edition with a resolution of 0.5 km. In the edition of 1888 these details were occasionally given in more detail, but usually the old data was obviously simply taken over. In all other editions, too, there were seldom further corrections compared to the information in the 1877 edition. The local registers themselves do not provide any information as to whether the distances given relate to the route or to the straight line . A random comparison of the data with the first Bavarian image shows a significantly higher correlation of the distance information with distances whose course is assumed from the original image than with the straight line.


  • Kgl. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to districts, administrative districts, court districts and municipalities, including parish, school and post office affiliation ... with an alphabetical general register containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875 . Munich 1877, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00052489-4 ( digitized ).
  • K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Localities directory of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to government districts, administrative districts, ... then with an alphabetical register of locations, including the property and the responsible administrative district for each location. LIV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1888 ( digitized version ).
  • K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places . LXV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1904 ( digitized version ).
  • Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Localities directory for the Free State of Bavaria according to the census of June 16, 1925 and the territorial status of January 1, 1928 . Issue 109 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1928 ( digitized ).
  • Bavarian State Statistical Office (publisher): Official place directory for Bavaria - edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 . Issue 169 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1952, DNB  453660975 ( digitized version ).
  • Bavarian State Statistical Office (publisher): Official place directory for Bavaria, territorial status on October 1, 1964 with statistical information from the 1961 census . Issue 260 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1964, DNB  453660959 ( digitized version ).
  • Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Official place directory for Bavaria . Issue 335 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1973, DNB  740801384 ( digitized version ).
  • Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Official place directory for Bavaria . Issue 380 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1978, DNB  790598426 ( digitized version ).
  • Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 . Issue 450 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich November 1991, DNB  94240937X ( digitized version ).


  • Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): 200 years of official statistics in Bavaria 1808 to 2008 , Munich 2008 ( pdf ).

Web links


  1. Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): 200 years of official statistics in Bavaria 1808 to 2008 , p. 12.
  2. Official town / city registers on the BLO website.
  3. According to Art. II of the “Most High Ordinance of November 29, 1837, concerning the division of the Kingdom of Bavaria”. In the 1928 edition there is an appendix under the Saar area section.
  4. See Critical Comments .
  5. See Critical Comments .
  6. See Critical Comments .
  7. See Critical Comments .
  8. ^ Localities directory of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places , 1904, p. II.
  9. ^ Edition 1888, Col. 1088.
  10. ^ Edition 1888, Col. 1089.
  11. ^ Edition 1888, Col. 1097 u. 1098.
  12. 1952 edition, p. 9.
  13. Available in the BayernAtlas .