Rebalancing (therapy)

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Rebalancing ( rebalancing ) is a form of body therapy that was put together in the 1970s, mainly in the Ashram of Osho ( Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh ) in Pune, from elements of other body therapy methods , meditation techniques and mindfulness exercises . In the 1980s, schools that were independent of the Osho rebalancing were formed. The method should help to a new "body awareness". An evidence-based medical effect of this form of therapy has not been proven.


The assumptions underlying the method about interactions between body and mind are similar to the assumptions of other body therapy methods, in which it is postulated that working on the body has a positive effect on health and mental state.

Rebalancing is based, among other things, on the work by Ida Rolf , which laid the foundations for this and created " Rolfing ", a system based on ten sessions. With her body-oriented approach, Ida Rolf was in the tradition of Wilhelm Reich , whose student she was. The method also includes various elements from the areas of " body reading " according to John Pierrakos , Trager method , Feldenkrais method , postural integration , Alexander technique , osteopathy , polarity , Shiatsu and acupuncture .

See also


  • Bernd Scharwies: Rebalancing - The power of deep touch - . Param, 2008, ISBN 3-8875-5349-7
  • Chinmatra Greiner, Sudas Topp: Awareness through Touch - A companion book for Osho Rebalancing Sessions - . 1992, ISBN 3-9803-4640-4

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Der Brockhaus Alternative medicine : healing systems, forms of diagnosis and therapy, drugs . Brockhaus, Mannheim 2008, ISBN 3-7653-3291-7 , p. 393.