Government of Rudolf Beran I

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Rudolf Beran

The government of Rudolf Beran I , led by Prime Minister Rudolf Beran , was the government of the Czecho-Slovak Republic from December 1, 1938. After the destruction of the rest of the Czech Republic , it remained in the newly formed Protectorate of Bohemia from March 1939 to April 27, 1939 and Moravia in office as the government of Rudolf Beran II .


With the Munich Agreement and the Sudeten Crisis, as well as the First Vienna Arbitration , Czechoslovakia was forced to cede the German-populated areas, i.e. the Sudetenland , to the National Socialist German Reich on October 1, 1938 , and the southern, Hungarian-populated part of Slovakia to Hungary . In addition, Poland occupied the Olsa area and the city of Teschen . From December 1, 1938, Beran was Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and Slovakia . After the invasion of the Wehrmacht and the so-called smashing of the rest of the Czech Republic in March 1939, he initially remained in office as the Rudolf Beran II government .

Government composition

Party affiliation

All ministers were members of the Strana národní jednoty , the party of national unity, a political party in the Czecho-Slovak Republic, which was formed after the Munich Agreement. It existed from the end of 1938 to 1939.


  1. The last government of pre-war Czechoslovakia, the government of Rudolf Beran I (December 1, 1938 - March 15, 1939) continued its official business after the occupation of the country by the Wehrmacht as the first government of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia , the Rudolf Beran government II (March 16, 1939 - April 27, 1939), continued; in official sources, including the documents of the government of the Czech Republic, the governments are treated as two separate governments ( Beran I) and Beran II ) ), although other sources simply write about the "Rudolf Beran government". The official two-government version is adopted here.

See also


  • Přehled členů vlády, online at: / ... , website of the government of the Czech Republic, overview of the government Rudolf Beran I, Czech, accessed January 25, 2013
  • / ... , website of the Government of the Czech Republic, History of the Office of the Government, Czech, accessed January 25, 2013
  • Alois Eliáš (September 29, 1890 - June 19, 1942), CV of the Information Center of the Czech Government, online at: / ...