Regina Silveira

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Regina Silveira - Panel at Porto Alegre Airport
Art Museum in São Paulo, Brazil

Regina Silveira (born January 18, 1939 in Porto Alegre ) is a Brazilian painter , graphic artist , videographer and teacher.

life and work

Silveira studied painting with Iberê Camargo , engraving with Francisco Stockinger and Marcelo Grassman and from 1964 to 1969 at the Art Institute of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. As a scholarship holder of the Instituto de Cultura Hispánica, she studied art history in Madrid in 1967 . In 1969 she was invited to teach courses at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico . She continued her studies at the College of Communication and Art of the University of São Paulo and graduated in 1980 with a Master of Fine Arts and doctorate in 1984. She taught from 1964 to 1969 at the Art Institute of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, from 1969 until 1973 at the University of Puerto Rico, from 1973 to 1985 at the Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation in Sao Paulo and was professor in the Department of Fine Arts in the Department of Communication and Art at the University of São Paulo. Silveira took part in many group exhibitions: the São Paulo Biennale (1981, 1983, 1994, 1998); the Havana Biennale (Cuba, 1984, 1994, 2015); to Body and Soul in Brazil; in the Guggenheim Museum (New York, 2001); the XV. Cerveira Biennale (Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal, 2009); Philagrafika (Philadelphia, 2010); and the XI Biennial of Cuenca (Ecuador, 2011). In her work, she focuses on videography, painting and printmaking with regard to the perception of reality. In 2017 she integrated virtual reality into her works Infinities and Odisseia.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1978: Pinacoteca do Instituto de Artes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
  • 1982: Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
  • 1984: Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
  • 1992: Queens Museum of Art, New York City
  • 1998: Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires
  • 2000: Art Museum of the Americas, Washington, DC
  • 2005: Palacio de Cristal, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid
  • 2007: Museo de Arte del Banco de la República, Bogotá , Colombia
  • 2009: Kunstmuseet Koge, Skitsesamling, Denmark
  • 2010: Museu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo
  • 2011: Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, University of Texas, El Paso
  • 2013: avannah College of Art and Design Museum of Art, Savannah , Georgia
  • 2013: Alexander Gray Associates, New York
  • 2014: Courtauld Institute of Art, London
  • 2014: Museo Amparo, Puebla , Mexico
  • 2015: Museu Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba , Brazil

Awards (selection)

  • 1985: Bolsa de Pesquisa, Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa, Brazil
  • 1987: Bolsa de Pesquisa, Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa, Brazil
  • 1988: Melhor Instalação 1987, Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte, São Paulo, Brazil Premio Lei Sarney à Cultura Brasileira: Gravura, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil
  • 1990: The John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship
  • 1993: Art Studio Grant, The Banff Center, Banff, Canada Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York
  • 1994: Fulbright Foundation , Washington, DC
  • 1996: Civitella Ranieri Foundation Fellowship, Civitella Ranieri Center, Umbertide, Italy
  • 2000: Gran Premio Del Grabado Latinoamericano: Medalla de Oro, Primera Bienal Argentina de Gráfica Latinoamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina Prêmio Cultural Sergio Motta para Arte e Tecnologia, Voto Popular, São Paulo, Brazil
  • 2004: Claraluz, Melhor Exposição do Ano, Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte, São Paulo
  • 2007: Mundus Admirabilis, Prêmio Bravo de Artes Plásticas, São Paulo
  • 2011: Tramazul, Great Art Critics Award, São Paulo Art Critics Association, São Paulo
  • 2012: Award for Life and Work, Brazilian Art Critics Association, Brazil
  • 2013: Prêmio pelo conjunto da obra, Prêmio MASP Mercedes-Benz, São Paulo

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