Reinald Mansoer

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Reinald I. Mansoer von Margat (Reinhold Mazoir; Renaud Masoier: † between 1134 and 1140) was lord of Margat (Marqab) and constable of Antioch .

He married Agnes of Tripoli (* around 1100/10; † around 1183?), The daughter of Bertrand of Toulouse .

In 1116, the then lord of the castle Ibn Muhriz handed over the castle Margat in exchange to the prince of Antioch, Roger of Salerno . Reinald, an important partisan of the prince, received the castle as a fief. He began to build a huge castle on the basalt mountain. The nearby fortified city of Baniyas also belonged to the fiefdom .

In the battle of Ager Sanguinis on June 28, 1119, in which Roger was also killed, Reinald managed to escape with a few knights and to reach the small town of Sarmeda (on the eastern bank of the Orontes ) in the plain. Here he surrendered to Ilghazi .

In 1131 Pons of Tripoli , Joscelin II and Alice of Antioch conspired against the new king of Jerusalem, Fulk of Anjou , who, however, succeeded in defeating the allies at Chastel Rouge in the area of ​​Antioch in 1131. Fulko was then recognized as regent for Konstanze , he appointed Reinald as his local representative ( Konstabler ), Alice had to remain in Latakia .

Reinald Margat lost to the Muslims in 1133. In 1140 his son Reinald II. Mansoer was able to take possession of it again. Reinald himself had probably died by now.

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References and comments

  1. Agnes at ( Memento from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (- possibly confused with the wife of his son)
predecessor Office successor
Adam Constable of Antioch
Walter of Sourdeval
Ibn Muhriz Herr von Margat
Reinald II. Mansoer