Reinhard Junker

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Reinhard Junker (* 1956 ) is the managing director of the evangelical association Studiengemeinschaft Wort und Wissen eV He is a well-known representative of creationism .


Junker studied biology and mathematics in Freiburg im Breisgau for teaching at grammar schools. After completing his legal clerkship in 1985, he was not accepted into the school service. Since then he has been working in Baiersbronn in the Black Forest as the longest- serving employee for the Wort und Wissen association . Until 1992 he continued his education in “ Interdisciplinary Theology ” and then received his doctorate at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of Leuven in Belgium with a critical assessment of theistic evolution (published under the title Living through Death? ).

Focus of work

As managing director of his association, Junker mainly deals with the creationist basic type concept , with argumentation methods of comparative biology and paleontological topics, whereby he tries to find creationist interpretations and the refutation of the theory of evolution . He also deals with intelligent design in biology.

In 1986, together with Siegfried Scherer , he published a textbook on the origins and history of living beings (since the 4th edition in 1998 Evolution - a critical textbook ) that deals with macroevolution . The 5th edition, published in 2002, was awarded its “German Textbook Prize” by the Christian Association Learning for the German and European Future . In terms of content, the book met with sharp criticism from experts; however, its graphic and didactic preparation is occasionally recognized by opponents of creationism.

Junker calls for a “controversial argument about evolution in biology classes, because creation can also occur. This should then be deepened in religious instruction. ”He also emphasizes that answering the question of how humans came about also has consequences for ethics and norms . Until 2016, Junker taught “Creation Research” as a regular guest lecturer at the Free Theological University of Giessen . His contributions made up to 50% of the compulsory subject apologetics in the BA program evangelical theology there.

Fonts (selection)

  • To live by dying? Creation, salvation history and evolution . 2nd Edition. Hänssler, Neuhausen-Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-7751-2226-5 (Studium Integrale series).
  • Evolution of early land plants. A critical discussion of fossil finds . Hänssler, Neuhausen-Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-7751-2666-X (Studium Integrale series).
  • Seed ferns - loafs - horsetails. Carboniferous plant fossils from an evolutionary perspective. Hänssler, Holzgerlingen 2000, ISBN 3-7751-3631-2 (Studium Integrale series).
  • Jesus, Darwin and the Creation, Why the Origin Question is Important for Christians. Hänssler, Holzgerlingen 2001, ISBN 3-7751-3795-5 .
  • Similarities, rudiments, atavisms. Design mistakes or design signals? . Hänssler, Holzgerlingen 2002, ISBN 3-7751-3827-7 (Studium Integrale series).
  • Darwin's Riddle: Creation Without a Creator? SCM Hänssler, Holzgerlingen 2009, ISBN 978-3-7751-5072-9 . - with Henrik Ullrich
  • Traces of God in creation? A critical analysis of design arguments in biology . SCM Hänssler, Holzgerlingen 2009, ISBN 978-3-7751-5136-8 .
  • Evolution. A critical textbook . 7th edition. Weyel Lehrmittelverlag, Giessen 2013, ISBN 3-921046-10-6 . - with Siegfried Scherer

Web links

Single receipts

  1. life data on
  2. life data on
  3. Reinhard Junker: Traces of God in Creation? A critical analysis of design arguments in biology . SCM Hänssler, Holzgerlingen 2009.
  4. Catherine Bouchon: GEO: Creation or Chance? .
  5. Maik Söhler: Not yet drawn from the full. Creationists and advocates of intelligent design in Germany .
  6. "'Word and knowledge sells books with excellent didactic design', says the Kassel evolutionary biologist Kutschera , who has been dealing with the topic of creationism for years, 'they are just completely unacceptable in terms of content'" (Stefan Schmitt: "Papal more than the Pope" , Die Zeit , September 27, 2006). - “The Frankfurt evolutionary biologist Michael Gudo from the Senckenberg Museum sees the work as 'propaganda writing disguised as a textbook'. It makes use of a subtle principle: through deliberate omissions and abbreviated quotations from scientists, it works to ensure that open questions in evolutionary research appear to be answerable only through creation. The dangerous: graphically and in terms of didactic structure, it is first class, some other textbooks by Ellen ahead ”(Stefan Säemann:“ Almost only taught from evolution books ”, Frankfurter Rundschau , September 29, 2006).
  7. Stefan Schmitt: Papal Than the Pope , Die Zeit , September 27, 2006.
  8. Course catalog 2010/2011 ( Memento from February 6, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 17, 2015.
  9. Lecture Catalog 2012/2013 ( Memento from November 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 17, 2015.
  10. Lecture Catalog 2013/2014 ( Memento from July 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 17, 2015.
  11. Course catalog 2014/2015 ( Memento from April 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 17, 2015.
  12. Course catalog 2015/2016 ( Memento from December 17, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 17, 2015.