Reinhold Georg Müller

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Reinhold Georg Müller (born March 22, 1937 in Munich , Germany ; † August 13, 2000 , Avila , Spain ) was a sculptor .



Reinhold Georg Müller began an apprenticeship as a wood sculptor at the Luisenschule in Munich in 1951 at the age of fifteen , which gave him less freedom of design than solid craftsmanship in working with wood, in plaster casting , in modeling and drawing on shapes and that Feeling for material. At the age of eighteen he left this school and Munich - “out of the narrowness of the 'Bavarian Baroque'”, as he felt it at the time, and in 1955 began studying at the Städelschule in Frankfurt . After a short stay abroad in Sweden in 1957, he began further studies in 1959, this time at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart . Subsequently, he became a member of the Artists' Association of Baden-Württemberg and in 1981 participated in the symposium of European sculptors in St. Margarethen, Burgenland / Austria.

When dealing with the works of Reinhold Georg Müller, most of them are initially impressed by the perfection of the execution. Outside of functionality, the steel cables and screws seem to crush and deform the stone against any physical laws. When the "injuries" occur, parts of the stone are bent almost to the limits of the material and released from the block. After his first work, which was still entirely based on figurative abstraction, Reinhold Georg Müller developed his very own formal language and became "Quetsch-Müller". Later, however, he broke away from this definition and continued to experiment with stone as a material. The models for the pinches were made from foam , which makes the malleability of a material particularly evident. Clay later replaced foam as a material. Clay is just as soft in its texture, but the shapes have to be created by your own hand, in contrast to foam, which, due to the material, adapts to a shape but develops its own curves.

From 1994 to 1997 Müller worked as a lecturer in sculpture at the Unteres Remstal art school in Waiblingen / Germany. Since 1963 he lived in Stuttgart as well as in Hoyo de Pinares, Avila . He died on August 13, 2000 in Avila.

His work (excerpt)

Working in museums and collections

  • Städelmuseum Frankfurt / Main / Alemania
  • State Gallery Stuttgart
  • Museum of Art, Freiburg / Breisgau
  • National Museum Cardiff, Wales / England
  • Ministry of Culture, Stuttgart / Baden-Württemberg
  • Gallery of the City of Stuttgart
  • Gallery of the city of Ostfildern-Ruit and Nellingen
  • Sindelfingen City Gallery , Lütze II Collection
  • Rastatt Museum
  • Regional Council Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
  • Town hall of the municipality of Hoyo de Pinares, Avila / Spain
  • CAPA Arganda del Rey collection, Madrid / Spain
  • CAPA Castillo St. Barbara Collection, Alicante / Spain
  • Centro Municipal “Las Dehesillas” Leganés, Madrid / Spain

Sculptures in public places

  • Employment office Stuttgart, Neckarstrasse
  • District Army Replacement Office Ravensburg
  • City of Troisdorf (Bonn), pedestrian zone
  • City of Stuttgart-Möhringen, Spitalhof
  • Weberknotenbrunnen , Stuttgart-Mitte, Weberstrasse
  • Catholic community center Rosenberg-Seidenstrasse, Stuttgart
  • Ministry of Culture, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
  • Collection Dr. Steinbach, Stuttgart-Stammheim
  • Rathaus Ruit, Rathausvorplatz, Ostfildern-Ruit
  • Town hall Hofheim / Taunus
  • Stuttgart City Hall
  • Working for churches in Germany
  • Centro Municipal “Las Dehesillas” Leganés, Madrid / Spain


  • Marc Fredric Gundel: Academy student body and teaching after 1945. On the importance and problems using the example of Otto Baum and Herbert Baumann as art college teachers , dissertation University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg 1995, pages 78-80.
  • Marc Fredric Gundel: Artistic educational work during and after the Second World War. To Otto Baum (1900-1977) as private teacher of Gudrun Krüger and art college teacher . In: Peter Anselm Riedl; Marc Gundel: Gudrun Krüger - Beginning - Present , Eningen unter Achalm 1997, page 8.

Web links

Commons : Reinhold Georg Müller  - Collection of images, videos and audio files