Reinhold Thiel (historian)

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Reinhold Thiel (* 1944 in Westerstede ) is a German historian.

Thiel comes from an old shipbuilding family. His great-grandfather worked at the Vulcan shipyard in Stettin , his father went to sea and later worked as a mechanical engineer at AG Weser . As a child, he built the ships his father sailed on as models.

After graduating from high school in Bremen-Walle in 1965 , he studied sports and history. In 1970 he became a teacher for these subjects.

As a shipping historian, Thiel has so far published five books about shipping companies, shipping lines and shipyards, including the history of North German Lloyd , the history of Bremen's Großwerften AG Weser and Bremer Vulkan , about the steamship company Neptun and about the shipping company Argo .

Books (selection)

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