Remigio Acevedo Gajardo

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Remigio Acevedo G (u) ajardo (* 1863 in Santiago de Chile ; † May 29, 1911 ) was a Chilean composer , conductor and organist .


Acevedo entered the Conservatorio Nacional de Chile in early childhood . Here first studied singing and music theory with Tulio Eduardo Hempel (1813-1892), then with Ramón Galarce. Since no composition lessons were offered at this institute, he later took private organ and composition lessons with Manuel Domínguez, a Spanish composer and priest at the college of the ' Congregatio Sacrorum Cordium Jesu et Mariae necnon adorationis perpetuae Sanctissimi Sacramenti Altaris ' SSCC . He then taught himself and was hired as organist at the cathedral in Santiago de Chile. In addition, he occasionally conducted performances of Zarzuelas . As a scholarship holder of the Chilean government, he completed his training in Milan in 1902. He worked as an organist in various churches in Santiago, including the Cathedral, Santo Domingo and La Merced. His son Remigio Acevedo Raposo studied piano and composition with Acevedo Gajardo. Acevedo Raposo later directed the Escuela Remigio Acevedo Gajardo in Santiago de Chile , named after his father , where he also taught piano and composition.

Works (selection)

  • The opera in three acts Caupolicán after La Araucana by Alonso de Ercilla was premiered in 1902 at the Teatro Municipal de Santiago . The National Library of Chile has a score and libretto of the work. OCLC 55296741 OCLC 55297030
  • Remigio Acevedo Gajardo wrote various church music works.
    • Tantum ergo for two tenors and bass, in Catálogo de la Música de la Recoleta Dominica listed
    • Salve Regina. for three voices with organ, published in 1900 in Santiago de Chile, in the holdings of the Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela
    • Te Deum
    • Various trade fairs
  • Obertura sinfónica
  • El romeral , vals. Recorded on a roll for pianola , in the holdings of the Spanish National Library OCLC 431121887

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rafael Díaz Silva: La música originaria: Lecturas de Etnomusicología , Volume 1, Ediciones UC, 2013, ISBN 9789561413672 , p. 37
  2. a b c Martha Furman Schleifer, Gary Galván: Latin American Classical Composers: A Biographical Dictionary 3rd Edition, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, ISBN 9780810888715 , p. 2
  3. a b Remigio Acevedo y Caupolicán . In: Las Últimas Noticias . No. 31 . Santiago de Chile 1977, p. 28 (Spanish, ).
  4. a b L. d. A .: Algunos datos biograficos del author . In: Caupolicán: tragedia lírica en 3 actos y 8 cuadros: (libreto de la ópera) Remigio Acevedo G [u] ajardo. 1942, p. 1 f . (Spanish, [PDF]).
  5. a b Samuel Claro-Valdés: Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio (1863-1911), composer: Grove Music Online - oi. In: Grove Music Online. Oxford University Press, accessed May 7, 2019 .
  6. Anatole: Tiempo de Promociones . In: Las Últimas Noticias . No. 21 . Santiago de Chile 1974, p. 25 (Spanish, ).
  7. ^ Acevedo . In: Carlos Gispert; José A. Vidal (Ed.): Océano uno color: diccionario enciclopédico . Océano, Barcelona 2000, p. 14 (Spanish, [accessed May 6, 2019]).
  8. ^ Alfred Victor Frankenstein, Sigmund Gottfried Spaeth, John Townsend Hinton Mize: Acevedo Raposo Remigio . In: The International who is who in Music . Who is Who in Music, Incorporated, Limited, 1951, p. 3 (English, [accessed on May 7, 2019]).
  9. John Warrack; Ewan West: Chile . In: The Oxford dictionary of opera . Oxford University Press, Oxford; New York 1992, p. 137 (English, [accessed on May 6, 2019]).
  10. Acevedo, Gajardo, Remigio . In: Enciclopedia alfabética . tape 1 . Plaza & Janés Editores, Barcelona 1995, p. 24 (Spanish, [accessed May 6, 2019]).