René Benjamin

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René Benjamin (born March 20, 1885 in Paris , † October 4, 1948 in Tours ) was a French writer. In 1915 he received the Prix ​​Goncourt for the novel Gaspard .

Benjamin attended the Lycée Henri IV in Paris and studied literature at the Sorbonne . After that he was a journalist. He wrote satires, for example, on the university and legal system and biographies for example of Balzac, Cervantes, Molière and Marie-Antoinette and portraits for example of Sacha Guitry and Charles Maurras . He was friends with Maurras and Léon Daudet . He also wrote for the theater.

Right at the beginning of the First World War he was seriously wounded as a soldier and wrote the novel Gaspard on the sickbed , which is about the war and received the Prix Goncourt. After the war he traveled a lot and gave many lectures, for example on literature. During the Second World War he was close to the Vichy regime.

In 1938 he became a member of the Académie Goncourt (but had to suspend the office because of his behavior during the occupation after the war, as did Sacha Guitry and Jean Ajalbert ).

Works (selection)

  • Gaspard, Fayard 1915
  • Balzac, his wonderful life, Urban-Verlag 1927

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