René Guyon

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René Guyon (Pichan Bulayong, Thai : พิ ชาญ บุ ล ยง ; born May 27, 1876 in Sedan , †  1963 in Bangkok ) was a French-Thai legal philosopher and lawyer.


René Guyon came from Sedan in northern France, on the border with Belgium . He received his doctorate in law from the University of Paris and worked as a lawyer and judge . In 1908 King Rama V (Chulalongkorn) brought him to Siam with the task of drafting a modern legal code that was to bring the country into the modern age in the field of law. In 1919 he published the report "The drafting of laws in Siam".

Guyon traveled in Europe, North Africa, Siberia, China, Indochina, Malaya and Indonesia. He was a keen critic of both the League of Nations and the United Nations , which he saw in the hands of interest groups that did not have or had the human rights and freedoms of the French Revolution in mind.


As a legal scholar, Guyon is remembered today mainly for his "Studies on Sexual Ethics" (1929–1944). The first six volumes were published in France between 1929 and 1939 and were banned after the German Reich had conquered France. The last three volumes were never published and are now in the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University , Bloomington , Indiana , USA .

Guyon wrote:

“In my 'Studies on Sexual Ethics' I suggested the liberation of the sexual acts of people who are oppressed and persecuted today and their incorporation into a doctrine whose scientific and logical basis is the legitimacy and freedom of sexual acts ... The essence of this doctrine of liberation is that sexual organs and sexual acts are as moral or amoral as any other physiological expression of living beings and are therefore indubitably justified for everyone; and that everyone has the right to use these organs and to carry out all actions according to their own wishes, as long as they take place without violence, coercion or fraud against another person. "

- Guyon : Human rights and the denial of sexual freedom. Bangkok p. 1


The René Guyon Society is named after him.


  • Sex offenses in the future penal law . Sex Education , Vol. 2 (1949), pp. 55-56
  • Human rights and the denial of sexual freedom . Bangkok 1951
  • Sex life and sex ethics . John Lane the Bodley Head, London 1953.
  • The Ethics of Sexual Acts . Knopf, New York, NY 1958; Reprint (= Studies in sexual ethics , Volume 1) University Press of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii 2001, ISBN 0-89875-369-4 .

German translations

  • The ethics of sexual acts . Translated from the English by Ulrich Huter, Regensburg [Postfach 110317] 2003, DNB 970902778 (436 pages).
  • Sexual freedom . Translated from the French by Eden and Cedar Paul with an introduction by Norman Haire. From the English by Ulrich Huter, Leipzig [Arno-Nitzsche-Str. 8] 2005, DNB 974244546 (377 pages).
  • Sensible Sexual Policy: B. Sexual Pleasure, Ethical Sexual Studies . Translated from the French by Ulrich Huter, Karlovy Vary 2007, DNB 986 310 891 (340 pages, spiral binding).

Individual evidence

  1. Sexual human rights in the Magnus Hischfeld Archive for Sexology (accessed December 6, 2010)