Renée Balibar

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Renée Balibar (* 1915 ; † 1998 ) was a French Romance studies , linguist and literary scholar.

life and work

Renée Balibar was a «professeur de lettres». Her research was inspired by Louis Althusser's Marxist ideological criticism and was connected to Étienne Balibar and Pierre Macherey , who published a theory of literary production in 1966.

Ideology is a system of thought, the one-sidedness and bias of which the individual is socially unconscious, the questioning of which he resists and which is consequently difficult to cope with with critical rationality. Renée Balibar's ideology-critical approach was directed against nationalist separatism in the representation of European languages ​​and literatures for around 200 years and insisted on the internationality of the pre-nationalist elites from the Middle Ages to the French Revolution with the catchphrase "colinguisme" (participation). Her portrayals focus on the Whitsun event, the joint function of the Eulalia sequence and the Ludwigslied in the 9th century, the language policy of the French Revolution and the school policy of Jules Ferry . Their theses often had a provocative effect, but could also refer to Ernst Robert Curtius , who in European literature and the Latin Middle Ages (1948, 11th edition 1993, French translation 1956 ) emphasized the dependence of literary tradition on education ( canon formation ) (p. 46 ) and described the Middle Ages as an era of participation.

Renée Balibar published in a prominent place (Que sais-je? 1991 and 1993). Two posthumous publications (2004 and 2007) show the continuing interest in her theses.


  • Les français fictifs. Le rapport des styles littéraires au français national, avec la collaboration de Geneviève Merlin et Gilles Tret; presentation de Étienne Balibar and Pierre Macherey , Paris 1974 (Collection «Analyze», edited by Louis Althusser ); Les français fictifs. Politique et pratique de la langue nationale, ed. by Anne Roche, nouvelle édition augmentée d'un inédit, Paris 2007 (Anne Roche completed her habilitation in 1985 with Claude Duchet , the father of literary sociocriticism, with the work Pour une anthropologie de la création littéraire ).
  • (with Dominique Laporte [1949–1984]) Le Français national. Politique et pratiques de la langue nationale sous la Révolution française, présentation de Étienne Balibar et Pierre Macherey , Paris 1974
  • L'institution du français. Essai sur le colinguisme des Carolingiens à la République, Paris 1985
  • Histoire de la littérature française, Paris 1991, 1993 (Que sais-je? 2601) (The title is misleading. It is not about a balanced presentation of the history of literature, but about a reinterpretation of 130 pages that is critical of ideology.)
  • Le colinguisme, Paris 1993 (Que sais-je? 2796)
  • Eulalie et Ludwig. The manuscrit 150 de la bibliothèque de Valenciennes. Colinguisme et premices littéraires de l'Europe. Préface de Michel Banniard Paris 2004 (Michel Banniard [* 1945], published Du latin aux langues romanes , Paris 1997, 2005, 2008, Coll. 128.Lettres. 160)


  • Le Monde January 21, 1998
  • Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand, [Obituary] in: Contributions to the History of Linguistics 8, 1998, pp. 150–151
  • L'institution des langues. You colinguisme à la grammatisation. Autour de Renée Balibar, ed. by Sonia Branca-Rosoff, Paris 2001

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