Renata Freiin von Ungern-Sternberg

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Renata Martha Maria Freiin von Ungern-Sternberg (born June 2, 1918 in Jena ; † September 21, 2013 in Bremen ) was a German kindergarten teacher, youth leader and government director.

Live and act

Baron Renata Martha Maria was the eldest of three children of Baron Arthur von Ungern-Sternberg and his wife Malvine Angelina Leonie von Ungern-Sternberg. After graduating from the Lyceum, the baroness completed the kindergarten and after- school careers training at the women's school for socio-educational professions in Weimar, headed by Mintje Bostedt . From 1940 to 1943 she worked as a day care worker in the Falkenheim day care center, which is part of the Weimar training center . From 1943 to 1944 Ungern-Sternberg completed the youth leader training in Weimar and then headed a curative education house on the Sophienhöhe in Jena for a year . In 1945 she became a district officer at the district education office in Jena, but after only one year she switched to teaching at her former Weimar training center. In 1950 she fled to the west . Ungern found her new home in Bremen. There she worked in different homes. In 1959 she became a consultant at the state youth welfare office. Until her retirement on September 30, 1980, she was responsible for the state youth welfare office in Bremen, most recently as government director.

Ungern was a member of the board of the Pestalozzi-Froebel Association from 1969 to 1974 , which she joined in 1959, and headed the Bremen branch.


  • Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Verband (Ed.): The history of the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Verband, Freiburg i, Br. 1998, p. 158
  • Anne Fischer-Buck / Rosemarie Schultheis / Klara Stoevesandt / Renate von Ungern (eds.): Mintje Bostedt 1897–1955 Norderstedt 1995, p. 225.

Works (selection)

  • Political demands for working with girls and the consequences for youth welfare. In: Information for women 1984 / No. 10, pp. 12-15
  • together with Helga Krüger / Gerhild Frasch / Elfriede Bode / Dieter Baacke / Gabriele Naundor: Everyday life and biography of girls: report on the commission, Opladen 1988
  • together with Anne Fischer-Buck / Rosemarie Schultheis / Klara Stoevesandt: Mintje Bostedt 1897–1955, Norderstedt 1995

Individual evidence
