Renato Mismetti

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Renato Mismetti 02.jpg

Renato Mismetti (* 1960 in Cajuru in São Paulo , Brazil ) is an Italian-Brazilian song, concert and opera singer ( baritone ).

Edmar Ferretti, Renato Mismetti, Camargo Guarnieri

He received his vocal training from Edmar Ferretti, Denise Felipe, Zuinglio Faustini, Leila Farah, Carmo Barbosa, Marianne Spiecker-Henke and Julia Hamari, among others .

The composer Camargo Guarnieri worked with Mismetti during his studies to interpret his “Três Poemas Afro-Brasileiros”. Mismetti later played the title role in his opera "Pedro Malazarte".

After completing his diplomas as a singer, art teacher and psychologist, Mismetti came to Germany to deepen his studies as a singer and musicologist at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater .

His artistic focus was on the interpretation of the art song - here in particular on the spread of Brazilian vocal music. Together with the pianist Maximiliano de Brito , Renato Mismetti has performed in renowned concert halls such as the Musikhalle Hamburg , the Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt Berlin, the Cuvilliés Theater in Munich, the Gewandhaus in Leipzig , the Alte Oper Frankfurt, the Wiener Konzerthaus , the Salle Gaveau Paris, St. John's Smith Square London, the Teatro Amazonas Manaus and the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall New York.

Composers such as Marlos Nobre and Jorge Antunes dedicated works to Mismetti that he premiered in his concerts.

After several years of intensive concert activity, Mismetti has been working as Artistic Director of the Apollon Foundation since 2003, primarily on the development of art and music projects for international cultural exchange.

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