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Malus Rewena 4297.jpg
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
origin Pillnitz , Germany
Institute Institute for Fruit Research

Cross of
' Clivia ' × breeding clone

List of apple varieties

Rewena is an apple variety.

The new breed Rewena was created by crossing the variety ' Clivia ' and a breeding clone in the Institute for Fruit Research Dresden - Pillnitz . Plant variety protection has existed since 1994.

Rewena is a late autumn variety whose fruits ripen in late September to early October. The fruits can be stored until February. The fruits are medium-sized, tall and medium-bellied. The basic color of the shell is green-yellow, the outer color is a strong dark red. The taste of the apple is sour with little aroma. The pulp is large, white and juicy. Rewena is particularly suitable for juice production and is also suitable for orchards.

The tree is not very sensitive to frost during the flowering period and is resistant to apple scab , bacterial blight and fire blight . It has a low susceptibility to powdery mildew and speck , and does not tend to alternate . Rewena usually delivers high yields.


Web links

Commons : Rewena  - collection of images, videos and audio files