Rhys Wyndod

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Dinefwr Castle, donated by Rhys Wyndod in 1277

Rhys Wyndod († 1302 ), actually Rhys ap Rhys Fychan, was a Welsh Lord of Deheubarth from the Dinefwr dynasty .

Rhys was a son of Rhys Fychan , after his death in 1271 he inherited Dinefwr and Carreg Cennen and Llandovery Castle . During the conquest of Wales by the English King Edward I , Rhys Wyndod handed Dinfewr Castle and its other castles to the royal general Payn de Chaworth on April 24, 1277 . Although he paid homage to Edward I with four other Welsh lords on July 1, 1276, he lost Perfedd and Hirfryn in Cantref Bychan to the English baron John Giffard , while Caeo and Mallaen finally fell to his relative Rhys ap Maredudd . He tried to regain his territories before the Royal Court in Carmarthen , but his claims were dealt with under English common law rather than under Welsh law as promised. Finally, the court rejected his claims, leaving him only a small area in to Gwynedd belonging Meirionydd remained. He was one of the five Welsh lords who, after the Treaty of Aberconwy, were still vassals of Lord Llywelyn ap Gruffydd . During the war of 1282 he fought on the side of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, and after his death he supported his brother Dafydd ap Gruffydd . He was eventually taken prisoner by the English and remained there until his death.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ RA Griffiths: Rhys ap Maredudd (d. 1292). In: Henry Colin Gray Matthew, Brian Harrison (Eds.): Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , from the earliest times to the year 2000 (ODNB). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004, ISBN 0-19-861411-X , ( oxforddnb.com license required ), as of 2004
  2. ^ Michael Prestwich: Edward I. University of California, Berkeley 1988, ISBN 0-520-06266-3 , p. 177
  3. ^ David A. Carpenter: The struggle for mastery. Britain, 1066-1284. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003. ISBN 978-0-19-522000-1 , p. 511
  4. ^ John Edward Lloyd: History of Wales from the earliest times to the edwardian conquest , Part 2, Longmans, Green, London 1912. p. 759
  5. ^ Rees R. Davies: The Age of Conquest. Wales 1063-1415. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 1991. ISBN 0-19-820198-2 , p. 361