Richalm from Schöntal

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Richalm von Schöntal , Latinized Richalmus († allegedly on December 2, 1219 ), was a Cistercian in Schöntal . He was prior (attested in 1214) and fifth abbot of the Schöntal an der Jagst monastery (attested in 1219).

In addition to the Dialogus miraculorum ( Dialogus about the miracles ) of Caesarius von Heisterbach is the Liber revelationum ( Book of Revelations ) authorized by Richalm , which in an abbreviated form under the title Beati Richalmi Abbatis Speciosae Vallis in Franconia Ord. Cister. Revelationes de insidiis & versutiis Daemonum ( book of revelations about the stalking and deceit of the devil ) was published by Bernhard Pez in 1721, one of the most important sources on the demons or devil beliefs of the Christian Middle Ages.

“These Revelationes, which comprise 130 capitula, prove that the devil was in all the folds of ordinary life in the 13th century. The honest Abbas, wanting to dazzle far away, expresses his innermost conviction, which in essence is at the same time the generally viable view at the time. "



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Individual evidence

  1. Gustav Roskoff : History of the Devil . Volume 1, Leipzig 1869, p. 343 ( online ).