Richard Pottier

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Richard Pottier (bourgeois Ernst Deutsch , born June 6, 1906 in Graz , Austria-Hungary , † November 2, 1994 in Le Plessis-Bouchard ) was a French film director and screenwriter .


Pottier studied medicine, but broke it off and was assistant to Josef von Sternberg's Der Blaue Engel in 1929 , then to Dimitri Buchowetzki . Soon afterwards he went to France; initially for French language versions of internationally produced films. In 1934 he took his French pseudonym, later also the citizenship. By the beginning of the 1960s he directed around 40 films, including numerous melodramas , costume films and adventurous materials , sometimes in Italian co-production.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1934: Si étais le patron
  • 1945: ... and something like that is called a detective (L'insaissisable Frédéric)
  • 1947: Look into the Dark (Vertiges)
  • 1948: Tomorrow begins the adventure (L'aventure commence demain)
  • 1948: The White Night (La nuite blanche)
  • 1949: Barry - The Hero of St. Bernhard (Barry)
  • 1950: Casimir (Casimir)
  • 1950: Accuse me (Meurtres)
  • 1951: In the beginning there was only love (Caroline chérie)
  • 1952: The Empress's Violets (Violettes impériales)
  • 1953: Heart between the fronts (Les révoltés du Lomanach)
  • 1954: A woman conquers the world (La belle Otéro)
  • 1954: The Mysterious Prisoner (Il prigionero del re) (co-director)
  • 1956: The ruler of Lebanon (La châtelaine du Liban)
  • 1956: The Singer of Mexico (Le chanteur de México)
  • 1957: Tabarin (Tabarin)
  • 1958: Texas girl (Sérénade au Texas)
  • 1959: David and Goliath (David e Golia) (co-director)
  • 1961: The Rape of the Sabine Women (Il ratto delle Sabine)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alain Rust Wood: Prevert, inventaire. 1996, p. 142