Richard Schurig

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Richard Schurig (* 1820 in Aue ; † 1896 ) was a German math teacher and astronomer who worked in Leipzig .

Schurig was particularly committed to popular astronomy and in 1886 published the celestial atlas Tabulae caelestes with eight large-format star maps of the entire sky and an introduction to celestial science. After several editions, the widespread work was reworked by Paul Götz in 1909 and appeared as the Schurig-Götz Sky Atlas by 1930 in around 20 editions.

In 1895 Schurig published the Catechism of Algebra . He is also said to be the inventor of the so-called robber chess .


Individual evidence

  1. Leipzig biography. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  2. Edo Ratings, Schurig, BER.Retrieved April 18, 2020 .