Richard pond graves

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Richard Teichgräber (born August 5, 1884 in Dahlen near Oschatz , † February 25, 1945 in Mauthausen ) was a German trade unionist and resistance fighter against the Nazi regime.


Pond digger did an apprenticeship as a locksmith. In 1906 he joined the SPD . From 1919 to 1925 he was a city councilor in Leipzig and at the same time chairman of the supervisory board of the Volkshaus Leipzig . In 1927 he became district manager of the German Metalworkers' Association .

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , he illegally continued his trade union work. He was arrested on December 15, 1934 and taken to the Oranienburg concentration camp in April 1935 . He was released in December 1935, but arrested again in early January 1936. He was charged with high treason and sentenced on October 6, 1937 by the “ People's Court ” in Berlin to three and a half years in prison. After serving this sentence, he was taken into “ protective custody ”. He was sent to various concentration camps, including the Buchenwald concentration camp from 1938 to 1944 , then to the Majdanek and Auschwitz concentration camps and, from January 25, 1945, to the Mauthausen concentration camp .

Richard Teichgräber was probably murdered on February 25, 1945; According to the Book of the Dead, he allegedly died of a weak heart.


In the Paul Hertz settlement near the Plötzensee memorial , the pond grave line was named after him.


  • Peter Rütters, Siegfried Mielke : Richard Teichgräber (1884-1945) , In: Siegfried Mielke, Stefan Heinz (ed.) With the collaboration of Marion Goers: Functionaries of the German Metal Workers' Association in the Nazi State. Resistance and persecution (= trade unionists under National Socialism. Persecution - resistance - emigration. Volume 1). Metropol, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-86331-059-2 , pp. 103-120.

Web links

  • Short biography at the Evangelical Church Community of Charlottenburg-Nord

Individual evidence

  1. - Teichgräberzeile accessed on January 22, 2010
  2. Wolfgang Röll: Social Democrats in the Buchenwald Concentration Camp 1937–1945. Wallstein, Göttingen 2000, ISBN 3-89244-417-X , p. 38.
  3. ^ Line of pond graves. In: Street name lexicon of the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein (near  Kaupert )