Giant water friend

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Giant water friend
Giant water friend (Hygrophila corymbosa)

Giant water friend ( Hygrophila corymbosa )

Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Acanthus family (Acanthaceae)
Genre : Water lovers ( Hygrophila )
Type : Giant water friend
Scientific name
Hygrophila corymbosa

The giant water friend ( Hygrophila corymbosa ) is a marsh plant from the acanthus family (Acanthaceae). Similar to the Indian water friend, which also belongs to the genus of water lovers ( Hygrophila ), and the Indian water star , it is one of the plants that play a role in aquaristics .


The giant water friend is an herbaceous plant with a stem that forms crosswise opposite underwater leaves. The leaves are up to ten inches long and five inches wide. The leaf shapes and colors are very variable; under the name Breitblättriger giant water friend ( Hygrophila corymbosa var. glabra , "Hygrophila stricta") and Thai giant water friend ( Hygrophila corymbosa var. siamensis , "Hygrophila angustifolia") forms are offered in which the leaves of one of them are broad, those of the other are narrowly ovate or narrowly elliptical. All shapes are available in a reddish brown or light green color.

distribution and habitat

The giant water friend is a swamp plant that is widespread in Southeast Asia . The plant can be found both in swampy locations and completely submerged in fast flowing water.

Use in the aquarium hobby

In the aquarium hobby one counts the giant water friend as well as all its cultivated forms and possibly subspecies to the frugal and easy to care for species. It is especially recommended for background planting in larger aquariums.

The plant thrives best in moderately hard water and at pH levels around seven. The water temperature should be between 22 and 28 degrees Celsius. It grows best in good lighting; Reddish colorations also develop well under these conditions. The plant makes only minor demands on the carbon dioxide content of the water. On the other hand, the plant is sensitive to too much iron. Well-flowed water also promotes growth. The vegetative reproduction can be done by the separation and replanting of side shoots.

In addition to keeping in aquariums, keeping in paludariums and hydroponics is also possible. With these forms it also comes to flower. The individual flowers are light blue to deep purple.


Web links

Commons : Riesen-Wasserfreund ( Hygrophila corymbosa )  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files