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Rigord or Rigordus (* around 1150, † around 1209) was a French chronicler .

He probably came from Languedoc and became a clergyman in Argenteuil and then in Saint-Denis . Here he wrote a brief chronicle of the kings of France ( regis Francorum chronographus ), which should serve as a guide for visitors to Saint-Denis.

He was commissioned to write a biography about the French king Philip II . The Gesta Philippi Augusti is a main source of the life of this king, which Rigord documented from his coronation in 1179 to the year 1206. In the opinion that the king was a “multiple of the empire”, he “awarded” him the imperial title “ Augustus ”, which became the king's nickname (August). He also surrounds the king with an aura of miraculous activity by describing three miracles supposedly performed by him. After the king's death, this was used by his supporters as an argument in favor of a canonization procedure, but this was rejected by the Roman Curia because of the king's temporary excommunication due to his years of bigamy .

Rigord's work was continued in 1214 by Wilhelm the Breton , who described the biography from 1206 to 1220. The work found its way into the Grandes Chroniques de France and was translated into French by Guizot in 1825 (in Collection des mémoires relatifs à l'histoire de France ). HF Delaborde edited it in 1882/1895 in Œuvres de Rigord et de Guillaume le Breton .

Work editions


  • Pascale Bourgain: Rigord . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 7, LexMA-Verlag, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-7608-8907-7 , Sp. 849 f.
  • Marvin L. Colker: Walter of Châtillon, Rigord of Saint Denis, and an alleged quotation from Juvenal , in: Classical folia 24 (1970), pp. 89-95.
  • Henri-François Delaborde: Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Rigord, moine de Saint-Denis , in: Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, vol. 45 (1884), pp. 585-614.
  • Bernd Schneidmüller: Rigord , in: Lexicon for Theology and Church (LThK), Volume 8, Freiburg im Breisgau 1999, pp. 1188–1189.
  • Alain J. Stoclet: A la recherche du ban perdu. Le trésor et les dépouilles de Waïfre, duc d'Aquitaine († 768), d'après Adémar de Chabannes, Rigord et quelques autres , in: Cahiers de civilization médiévale 42 (1999), pp. 343-382.
  • Kirsten Tobler: The Franconian Chronicle of the Rigord of Saint-Denis. History in France around 1200. Heidelberg 2012.
  • François-Olivier Touati: Faut-il en rire? Le médecin Rigord, historien de Philippe Auguste , in: Revue historique 305 (2003), pp. 243–265.


  1. See Jacques Le Goff : Le dossier de sainteté de Philippe Auguste in: L'Histoire (1987).