Aristarchus (moon crater)

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Herodotus + Aristarchus - LROC - WAC.JPG
Aristarchus and Herodotus with side craters ( LROC -WAC)
Aristarchus (moon equatorial region)
position 23.74 °  N , 47.5 °  W Coordinates: 23 ° 44 ′ 24 ″  N , 47 ° 30 ′ 0 ″  W.
diameter 40 km
Card sheet 39 (PDF)
Named after Aristarchus of Samos (310–230 BC)
Named since 1935
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


Aristarchus and Herodotus , taken by Apollo 15 .

Aristarchus is a lunar crater in the northwest of the earth-facing side of the moon . With an albedo almost twice as high as the rest of the lunar surface , it is considered to be the brightest of the large formations. The crater is bright enough to be seen with the naked eye and appears dazzling in larger telescopes. It can still be easily recognized even if the moon's surface is largely only illuminated by the earth's glow.

The crater is located at 23.7 ° N, 47.4 ° W on the southeastern edge of the Aristarchus Plateau. The plateau is known for volcanic phenomena such as groove structures , numerous observations of luminous phenomena ( Lunar Transient Phenomena ) and radon emissions, which were measured by the Lunar Prospector probe .

In a northeasterly direction from the crater of running several Rille that Rimae Aristarchus , partly toward Aristarchus C , part a little bit farther to the northwest of the crater Prince , ending west of Warrior C .

The Italian cartographer Giovanni Riccioli named the crater after Aristarchus of Samos . In his work Almagestum novum , published in 1651 , he gave the structures on the moon, later referred to as craters , the names of well-known astronomers and philosophers ( eponym ). Although already widely used, the name was not registered as an official international standard until 1935 in a vote by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

List of secondary craters from Aristarchus
Letter position diameter link
B. 26.28 °  N , 46.85 °  W 7 km [1]
D. 23.72 °  N , 42.88 °  W 5 km [2]
F. 21.66 °  N , 46.57 °  W 18 km [3]
H 22.6 °  N , 45.73 °  W 4 km [4]
N 22.82 °  N , 43.03 °  W 3 km [5]
S. 19.28 °  N , 46.28 °  W 4 km [6]
T 19.66 °  N , 46.5 °  W 3 km [7]
U 19.72 °  N , 48.64 °  W 3 km [8th]
Z 25.49 °  N , 48.49 °  W 8 kilometers [9]

Web links


  1. ^ Mary Adela Blagg , Karl Müller : Named lunar Formations. Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd., London 1935.