Robert Amiet

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Robert Amiet (born December 19, 1911 in Strasbourg , † January 23, 2000 ) was a Catholic priest and liturgical scholar.


From 1917 he lived in Lyon. There he was ordained a priest on May 15, 1936 in the Cathedral of Lyon . From 1942 to 1960 he was school chaplain at two high schools in Lyon, from 1964 to 1973 student chaplain at the Catholic University of Lyon . As a scientist, his research interests focused primarily on studying the history of the Easter Vigil . In addition, he dealt with the history of the liturgy of the Middle Ages and the processing of liturgical sources and manuscripts. He published a complete account of both the liturgical books and the liturgical manuscripts of the Archdiocese of Lyon as well as thirteen volumes of a fourteen-volume series on the liturgy of the Diocese of Aosta .

Works (selection)

  • Missels et bréviaires imprimés (supplément aux catalogs de Weale et Bohatta ), Propres des saints (édition princeps), Paris 1990.
  • La veillée pascale dans l'Église latine, Volume 1: Le rite romain, Paris 1999.
  • Monumenta Liturgica Ecclesiae Augustanae

Complete index: Ephemerides Liturgicae 115 (2001), 111–120.


  • Collomb, Pascal: In Memoriam L'Abbé Robert Amiet. In: Ephemerides Liturgicae 115 (2001), 108-110.
  • Collomb, Pascal: Robert Amiet (1911-2000). In: Gazette du livre médiéval 38 (2001), 111-112 [1] .